Ch.17- Not So Stranger Danger

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two days later

I wake up in my bed. It wasn't morning. I was awake because I heard a sound. If I told my mom this she would say it was the house settling. It wasn't. I felt a breeze. My window was open. It definitely wasn't open when I went to bed last night.

I went to bed after me and Andrews daily exercise. He can hold my hands now...that was quick.

I hear another sound. I sit up fully and all of a sudden something is in my mouth pulling me back. I scream with a sound barely coming out. It's tied behind my head quickly...skillfully. Whoever this is they've done this before.

I feel my hands grabbed next and tied to my bedpost. Oh hell no. I start kicking out of impulse but inevitably my legs are pulled and tied. I hum some things as my nightstand lamp is turned on. My perpetrator comes into view. Katy. So she's done this before.

She uses a mocking voice,"baby girl, princess, millie're in trouble sweetheart!" She enunciates the T. God I hate that nickname even more now. I hate that I can't say anything right now.

I can really only move my head and neck so I watch her and she takes some things out a bag. No fear has entered my body yet. I see a knife, screwdriver, needle, a liquid...and screws? What the hell was she planning?

"You wanna hold Andrews hands hm?" She sticks the needle in the serum absorbing it in the tube. "How about we numb these hands first." She comes over. Luckily I'm not afraid of needles. I feel a prick and cold running through my veins twice. Both hands.

"So you like when he calls you angel." She grabs the small knife. "Since you wanna be so angelic let's make you like Jesus Christ himself." The knife goes in. It doesn't hurt. She probably did this so I wouldn't scream. I flinch though. I stare at her. I can't see my hands. She picks up a screw and pushes it in with the screwdriver on both hands. What am I Frankenstein?

My hands have gotten pretty deep cuts before. I'll be fine. Is that all she's gonna do? I can feel my blood running down my arm. I might faint soon.

"How about we get these arms too? Four for each?" I feel a little fear enter my body in that moment. My eyes threaten to cry. I feel multiple pricks on both arms as she numbs them. I can look up and see her stabbing my arms. Tears. I can't feel the pain...but boy I can feel her force.

I can see her adding more screws. Four on each arm. My reaction isn't too crazy. A bit of tears barely any fear. Am I...crazy? When she's done there's blood everywhere. It's all mine. I'm definitely about to pass out.

"Now Millow. I know you are ready to sleep again after our little encounter. It was delightful may I add." She unties my legs and arms. I attempt to lift them but can't from the numbness and the added iron. "Even though you're obviously gonna fall asleep why not put more drugs in that little system of yours. I would love to stab that beautiful skin again anyways." Her hands go to my neck gripping it tightly. I whimper.

There it was. What I actually hated most. She kissed my cheek softly. It felt WAY too genuine. Next thing I know another needle is in my neck. In the last few seconds I see thread being pulled out of the bag with a sewing needle.
I wake up. Pain. I scream and cry from how bad it hurts. I start remembering what happened only a couple hours earlier.

"ANDREW!" I scream. I can smell food but I'm not hungry. I continue to cry as I fail to move my aching arms. I lift my now untied head seeing blood all over my bed.

My door busts open and I hear a very loud ,"WHAT THE FUCK!! WHAT HAPPENED! MILLOW!" I'm being lifted and that makes the pain worse. I cry even harder.

"" I look at him through extremely teary eyes as I rapidly blink. My arms are hanging and everything burns.

Andrew runs with me downstairs. "There's, there's bruises on your neck...and wrists...and ankles, you have, NAILS, in your arms...whats going on?!?" We go into the garage and he sets me in the back seat carefully.

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