Chapter 12-Sleepover

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Andrew and Millow sat at the table looking at eachother. Millow eyes squinted a bit and then a tear rolled out. Millow poked out her lip and Andrew immediately went to action. Millow laughed as he went to comfort her.

"I win!" Millow yelled. Andrew looked at her dumbfounded.

"Thats not fair, you cant use that against."

"I think it was fair and square, you fell for it and you blinked." They were doing a staring contest. Andrew chuckled and picked up her empty bowl. She ate her icecream so fast he was afraid she would get a cold baby.
Teacher break. For the people who dont know, a cold baby is not an actual human. It is when you eat a lot of cold stuff really fast or slow and your stomach is cold in one spot. This happens with water also. When you drink a lot of water and you can shake the water around in your stomach, thats a water baby. IT IS NOT A REAL HUMAN LOLLL!!
Millow wiped her tear and blinked multiple times to get some moisture back. Andrew left Millow at the table to put their bowls up and Millow followed. Andrew turned around to look at her after she latched onto him really tight.

Her face was buried into his chest and he could hear her breathing hitch a bit. He held her head up and she whined.

"Whats wrong baby?" Millow just whined more gripping his shirt harder. "Do you want me to pick you up?" He played in her hair a little bit. Millow nodded nervously. He leaned down a little a grabbed her hips. He hoisted her up and she wrapped her legs around his torso immediately. She looked to her side and whimpered sticking her head in his neck.

Andrew looked in the direction she had looked. The archway of the kitchen. This one led out to the living room. The movie had gone off a bit ago so the room was dark. There were no light on so it was even darker. Andrew started walking toward the archway and Millow squirmed. She was trying to get out his arms.

"Baby, baby, calm down, its okay sweetheart." Andrew stopped walking and lifted her head.

"Dark..." she mumbled trying not to make eye contact with him. Andrew chuckled. Millow scrunched her face obviously not liking his sudden amusement.

"Keep your face here," Andrew pointed to his chest," and I'll protect you, nothing will happen to my sweet darling." Millow nodded and lay her head in his chest. He felt her eyes close and her body tense when he started walking. He patted her back continuously for comfort.

Andrew went into the living room and after a couple of seconds found the light switch. He turned on the light and looked as some fairy lights and the main light came on. Millow quickly looked up scaring Andrew. She smiled as she looked around. "Baby likes the lights better huh?" Millow nodded.

Andrew realized that Millow may have had trouble going into and staying in her little space. He felt the same. It had been a long time since he was a daddy. So Andrew was having trouble being in his "headspace". He was trying his best to say consoling words to Millow. Andrew was taken out of his thoughts when he felt Milow start to wiggle in his arms. He let her go and she slid down his hip.

She stood on the couch and started bouncing. She started off slow and then went into full on jumps. Andrew flinched. HIs daddy intuition was coming in. He went over to her sort of immediately. "OH sh- Millie, noo." Andrew held her waist carefully. she frowned at him.

"I want to bounce daddy!" He shook his head at her. her face went scrunched and he saw her jaw clench. Her eyebrows furrowed and he immediately knew what was about to happen. This was one of her crying moments. He hugged her as a tear fell down her cheek. She started to whine. Andrew lowered her down from the couch carefully.

This wasnt Millows regular emotional cry. This was her 'I want what I want' cry. He could tell. He sat her on the couch and put her hands in his. She balled them into fists and started to pull away. He expevted that to he held a bit tihjter moving his hands halfway down her forearm.

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