This charming man

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trumanblack: hey prince of darkness here :) tomorrow I'm going to the march for climate change and I was wondering if you're coming. I think you will. let me know, maybe we can meet up xx

I stared at my phone. A smile was hanging on my lips. I shook my head to come back to reality. Didn't he has a girlfriend? It's better not to start something you don't know how to end.

you: hey matty! yes, i'm going, maybe we'll find each other in the crowd bye xx

My message was cold. He didn't text me back.

Hundreds of young people have taken up the streets of London, to demand radical action on the unfolding ecological emergency. And I saw parents holding their kids on their shoulders. I saw elderly people carrying posters, with messages in favour of a better world for the younger generations. A sense of relief eased my heart. Yes, people wanted alive people.

I was in the crowd with the boys, and Natalie and Sadie. Natalie was Keith's girlfriend. They've been together since ages, both of them are the nicest people alive. Sadie was the friend who introduced me to them the night I saw them in that rough pub. She didn't even know me but she struck up a conversation at the pub while ordering, she told me she loved Gin Tonic too.

It was hot, sunny. My feet hurt, but I kept walking, and smiling at people I didn't even know. Someone recognised us and asked for a picture.

And then I saw him.

Matty was wearing a long floral skirt. His wavy hair was pushed artfully back from his face. He looked tired, again, but happy.

When he saw me, he put his hands up in the air and smiled.

I raised my hand. I couldn't help but smile. This man was wearing a skirt without being afraid to question his masculinity. He didn't look girly, he didn't look masculine. He was extremely fascinating, like he belonged to another world. It wasn't the beauty of his face or his body that hit me, but the way he carried himself. He didn't look like a model, but he looked like someone who could date a model, if you know what I mean. The sun caressed his long dark hair. Surrounded by bodies, he walked unbothered, like someone so handsome shouldn't care.

"Matty fucking Healy is fucking smiling at you!", Sadie whispered in my ear.

"I fucking know!"

"Do you know him?"

I was still looking at him. He wasn't looking at me anymore. He was talking with a guy so tall it made Matty look particularly tiny. I supposed the tall guy was the drummer of The 1975. I recognized all the other members of the band too.

"No", I shook my head. "We met at the radio yesterday."

And then I lost him in the crowd.

When the march was over, the sun was setting, and people were slowly making their separate ways.

"We have found each other in the crowd after all"

I knew it was him before I could turn and see his face. He was looking at me from the top of his height. He smiled and the sun was setting at this back.

"Depending on how you see it, you can say you got lucky"

"I'm sure I am", he responded with a playful grin falling from his lips. "It was beautiful today, right? The kids, the atmosphere"

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