Oh that grace, oh that body, oh that face makes me wanna party

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Matty liked karaoke, the 80s, and me. I knew it as he smirked at me under the pink light of the club where I took him. There were like eight people there, bored and sad and wasted.

We were singing Take on Me by the a-ah on the little stage right in front of the bar. The words were written all over the screen behind us, but we were looking into each other's eyes. Matty held the microphone in his hand and I had my arms around his neck, our forehead touching. We were so cringe but it didn't matter. We sang the lyrics into each other's mouths, almost like we were uttering a magic spell that would redeem us from our miseries. Matty sang with such a passion, his voice was a powerful moan who sometimes cracked. I giggled, and I danced, and I sang at the top of my lungs. As the song faded I let him sing the last verses and I hugged him instinctively. I needed to feel him, bones and soul, I needed to feel him closer, there, with me. I was so attracted to him it hurt. He sang for me, holding my head in the palm of his hand. Not just caressing my hair, actually holding me in his hand, trying to keep me from sliding away from him.

The song was over and no one cheered us. I wondered if they knew who we were.

We jumped off the stage, and we indulged in another hug and vain confidences, smiling, smirking, teasing each other.

"You know what you are?" he asked. "A curse"

My cheeks held in the palm of his hands, I looked at him with naughty eyes, and I bit my lips, a childish provocation and a challange.

He stared right into my eyes in adoration: "A pretty, walking curse"

Heaven is a place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle started playing and I laughed. That night was getting more and more ridiculous by the moment. I began singing, jumping, shaking my head following the beat, rubbing up against him, and he rolled his eyes. I pulled on his shirt and I gave him a capricious, defiant look. He knew I wanted to kiss him so, so bad.

"Are you going to give me a proper kiss?" I said in his ear so he could hear my voice through the music. He smirked.

"Oh, she's begging"

I rolled my eyes. "C'mon"

He took my face between his piano player fingers. "You give me one"

I sighed. I got on my toes until I was closer to his height. I hesitated on his lips and he smiled. He knew, in that moment, he had me. I closed my eyes and gently pressed my lips to his. I gave him a simple, soft, kiss. He responded opening his mouth and caressed my tongue with his own. Reel around the fountain by The Smiths started playing and I felt chills down my spine. Matty pressed his body against mine until I began to step back. My shoulders touched the cold wall and he grabbed my hips, pulling them into his crotch. He gave my lips a rest, but his teeth attacked my earlobe, softly biting. I never thought it would turn me on as much as it did.

"Dio", a moan left my mouth.

"God?", Matty wondered, one of his hands running to my neck, his thumb lightly pressing against my throat. "Don't exaggerate", I felt his hot breath against my cheek.

I didn't mind his teasing, I didn't mind anything right now, cause Matty had shoved his knee between my legs to part them and all I could mumble was "missed you", and damn, I sounded so wasted.

"Get a fucking room, for God sake"

The music was loud but I could still hear that gruff voice scolding us. We pulled apart so quickly it was almost comical. An old man with a mustache stared at us and I bet he was the owner of the club.

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