last author's note (another apology and a thank you)

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JUN. 15, 2020

This story was the product of my own personal experience with lockdown. Writing this thing gave me purpose when life was nothing more than wake up/eat/read the news/shake your head/try to sleep/repeat. As the product of such an extra-ordinary period, one would have expected this to be something better than what it actually is. Trust me, I can do better than this. But, sincerely, it wasn't supposed to be good. It was only supposed to fill all that spare time I had and didn't know how to handle.

Now it's different. Lockdown in my country is over. I'm trying to come back to some sort of normalcy. And that for now means no more time for writing.

I don't think Arianna and Matty's story needs more pages, after all. And I bet you're all fucking tired of this shit-show.

I'd just like to thank all the people who read, voted and commented this inconsistent bunch of English words I don't even know how I put together. It was my very first attempt to write something in a language that is not mine, and it's been often frustrating, cause I'm used to choose my words with maniacal care, but clearly it wasn't possible in this case. Despite this, I hope in this sea of ​​more or less accurate words, someone will get what I mean. So thank you. All I found in this corner of the Internet was kindness. I take with me all your lovely words. And thank you, of course, to lenasogaard1506 who patiently edited the chapters and fixed every mistake made by my Italian ass without asking anything in return. Thank you a thousand times.

In closing, this story wouldn't be here if we had not lived through troubled times. We're still stuck in hard times. So, please, take care of yourself in this crazy world we live in. Be kind to everyone. Fight all kinds of injustice. It is possible to speak up and stay cool. And remember people need people.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a master degree to get and it wouldn't be nice to fail all of my exams this summer.

I'll see you somewhere down the road, maybe.


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