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The element of earth is the ground which you walk on.

The constant pitter patter that droned on rhythmically the entire night gradually stopped, leaving a fresh smell of rain behind. During the night, the rain had danced on the rooftops, refilled the rivers and waltzed through the dry earth, delicately brushing it finger's past wilted plants.

The element of water had left a path on thriving life in it's wake.

As the sun rose, the mint green leaf of an oak sapling bowed down, letting a single drop of crystal fall. A swift breeze snatched the little green away, and it spun and jumped, as if playing a game of tag. Nature left no one out, and soon even the dry, brown leaves that once lay on the busy roads of Mustafu, Japan were swept away.

The element of air, which came from the Taoism element of wood breathes life into the city. 

A Japanese bush warbler started chirping it's song from it's hidden nest, other's joining the conversation of crisp semi-quavered notes that punctured the still air of the town. 
Early coffee shop workers started flipping signs and writing specials with chalk, while bakery's swung open their windows, fanning out the aroma of warm, freshly made bread and pastries. Ovens roared, and restaurants lit the decorative fire torches that stood outside their shop.

The element of fire will cook your food and shape your metal once tamed.

Mustafu, Japan was stirring.

The wind and the leaves chased one another through the waking city, weaving through branches, gliding past early traffic, and through an open window, who's curtains parted for the wind-



Bakugou had slipped into conscious two hours before sunrise.  Which was 2:23 am.  
His eyes widened as he stared at the digital clock, it's red digits bored back at him. Grumbling, he groggily turned over in his bed, closing his eyes before he realized it was raining.
After he realized it was raining, it was too late. You can't un-realize something.

He now officially hates rain.

Bakugou blinked, and took a peak at the clock again, great. He didn't actually blink just then, he had fallen asleep, as it was 3:45. The sun that was barely over the horizon glared at his computer  screen, which reflected into his face. Some stupid birds had started their damn squawking.

Tossing and turning, Bakugou was determined to get his two hours of sleep, but some damned shops opened and made him realize that he now wants to eat.

1 hour and 28 minutes after, Bakugou's eyelids finally drooped, and his breathing slowed, the ash blonde's annoyed facial expression dissolving into a calm peaceful look. 

But then a bunch of leaves came barricading through the window, along with a gust of cold morning wind. 

Bakugou instinctively shot up, looked at the carpet of green and brown and fallen homework pages and yelled. 


Bakugou's parent's barged through the door, and looked at the state of the floor and their angry, sleep deprived, panda-eyed son while a flock of birds flew away from the sudden noise.


Tired and angry Bakugou Katsuki storms out of his house, wincing at the sun. He felt horrible, and annoyed that he had messed up his sleeping schedule. Picking up a bottle of Ramune from the convenience store, he payed for it and left. Flipping the cap of the glass bottle, he easily pushed the marble into the drink, hearing the carbonated beverage hiss. 

Bakugou took a sip and winced internally, and reminded himself to check the flavour next time.  

 ~~~~~~Time skippu~~~~~~~~

Bakugou Katsuki, bored beyond belief because he beat every player.

It was to be expected really, he was superior after all.

Sitting on his cleaned bedroom floor, he threw his console to the wall, and groaned. 

He wanted a challenge. He was the best, but all the people he versus were beat with one flick of a button, instant K.O. 

He was dying of boredom. Gaming lost its spark, imagine playing a game which didn't involve the thrill of losing. Looking up at his All Might poster, he scoffed. He better start studying for UA's written test.

Meanwhile, Masaru Bakugou, Katsuki's dad picked up a parcel from their doorstep. He got Mitsuki, and the two discussed in hushed tones about the package Masaru's job sent him. The parents looked up at the direction of Bakugou's room and nodded to each other.

The brown haired Bakugou placed the exclusive parcel in his garage, walking away to get wrapping paper.

The not yet released Amusphere, and a EII (External Interference Interceptor).

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