The Night is Red

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7. The Night is Red: Jeon Jungkook

🐰 🐰 🐰

A/N: Hey guys. Before you start to read, I'd like to enlighten one thing.

Please do not post malicious or unpleasant comments on these oneshots. Please bare in mind that I'm writing whatever comes to my mind and I'm writing however structure I have in mind because I like writing the scenarios that I come up with.

If you do not like what my content is or how it's written then kindly leave the book but do not post such unhealthy comments on my stories. Not only does it disheartens and discourages me but it also disrespects me. Please be mindful of what you are posting as comments.

I know I might have ruined your mood by this serious stuff but please keep these things in mind. Content writers write because they love writing and expressing their beautiful imaginations and if you post such comments then you'll be disrespecting them and belittling them which can also add as bullying. You may regard this as a small matter but you can't ignore them.

Anyway, with that being said, I'll let you guys read on this oneshot. Remember, if you don't like it then kindly leave this book. That was all


"Help me!"

You yelled over and over again with tears running down your cheeks. Your feet thumping harshly against the cold road as you ran with all your strength. "Please, please, someone. Anyone"you mumbled to yourself as you started to feel tired from running.

You didn't take track of time but you were sure that you were running for quite a long time. You could hear the four pair of feet rushing after you, trying to get you in their grasp but they failed because your will to be free from them was more than their will to capture you.

At least mentally because physically, you were starting to feel exhausted.

Panting heavily, you stopped running for a second and quickly darted your head around the dark alleyway where you had ran into, trying to find a safe place to hide from them. Seeing a huge dumpster, you smiled and quickly ran to sit beside it, hiding yourself away from the predators.

As your back touched the cold wall, you groaned softly and put a hand on your mouth to prevent yourself from squeaking at how cold you suddenly felt. Your chest heaved up and down harshly as you tried to regain your breathing.


You heard a creak and you bit your lip as you pushed yourself to the wall even more, not wanting to be caught. Then, you heard a deep chuckle resound through the dark alleyway.

"You think you can hide, pathetic bitch"a deep yet rough voice boomed and you bit your lip even harder to stop yourself from giving away to them. You could feel blood run down your lip and smear in your hand but you kept quiet, ignoring everything.

And then, just in a flash, a figure suddenly appeared in front of you, looking down at you with cold and irritated eyes. You looked up timidly and saw him glaring down at you. You gulped as you steadied yourself to make a run for it but you failed, he had caught you.

The guy grabbed your hands roughly and yanked you to stand up before slapping you tight in the face. You sobbed as you felt tears rush from your eyes, your right cheek burning so badly. Seeing you cry, the guy chuckled as he let go of your hands and grabbed onto your hair, pulling you out of the narrow alleyway.

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