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Don David returns to the courtyard looking for the two friends who stayed behind after the initial introductions with the host family. "What secret kept you here that didn't follow us to Mr. Leonard's house?" asked the prince.

"I wish that Your Grace would compel me to reveal it". Jeff replied, full of mystery, to which Don David said seriously "I urge you to do so, by the obedience you owe me."

Jeff, back to the usual energetic speaker "Are you listening, Count Kurt? I can be as discreet as a mute; you can be sure of that. But obedience, ... mind you, is obedience to our most dignified prince, who forces me to break my silence. "And lowering his voice, almost to prove that he is keeping a secret, Jeff continues," He is in love ... with whom? ... is what His Grace will ask ... Well, prepare and pay, now, pay attention to the simplicity of the answer .... here it goes ... by BLAINE! .... Leonard's young son. "

Next to the friends who were talking, was the young Kurt, with his head bowed. Behold, listening to Jeff declare the name of his affection, Kurt says: "If that were the case, it would already be openly declared, my lord. If my passion doesn't change in a short time, don't let God be for another fear.

"Amen, my young friend. If you have love for him, because he deserves it. " Don David replied cautiously. "Say that to probe me, my lord?" Kurt asks the prince, while a surprised Jeff divides his attention between the young man in love and the prince.

With all the seriousness that the moment asked, Don David addresses the young man, puts his hand on his shoulder and looking directly into his eyes he says "By my faith, I am saying what I think." Kurt, for his part, puts his hand over the Prince's day. "The same is true of me, my lord. For my faith and my life ... I feel like I'm in love with Blaine ". With a slight smile, Don David says, "I know he is worthy of your admiration and feeling!"

Exasperated, Jeff walks up and down talking to himself, "As for me, I don't even feel like he can be loved, nor do I know how he can be worthy of it; fire itself would not remove such conviction from my body; I will die at the stake convinced of that. "

"You have always been a heretic as to faith in real love," says Don David, shaking his head in disapproval at his friend who was still pacing. "Without a lot of willpower he couldn't have kept himself in that position." Completed young Kurt.

Jeff, totally surrendered to his desperate gossip, begins "The fact that I was conceived by a woman makes me extremely grateful! ... The fact of having a dignified man created me, makes me equally grateful! ... but .... if I have an incessant irritating ringing in my ears, or an iron ball attached to my feet, that is what everyone will forgive me for. For not wanting to do them the injustice of distrusting some innocent people, I reserve the right not to trust anyone blindly. " And with his head held high, as if daring to be contradicted by friends, he ends his speech. "The conclusion ... I say with all due respect my lord ... that it will only be of benefit to me, is that I wish to remain single.

With a mischievous smile in his voice, Don David replies to the talkative friend "Before I die, I will still see you pale in love", which surprised Jeff, who responded even more nervously "From anger, illness or hunger, my lord could to be; not of love. Never in love! If at any time you prove that I have lost more blood with love than I can recover with wine, tear out my eyes and hang me at the city gates as an emblem of the dangers of blind Cupid's arrows. "

"Whatever, my dear Jeff, if at some point you prove unfaithful to the principle of convinced bachelorhood, you will provide a great subject for satires." Don David said ironically, drawing an exasperated sigh from the boy. "If I do, you can target me and reward the person who hits me, giving him the title of champion of champions!"

Dom David, trying to end the clash, says with grace in his voice "Okay, my friend; time will prove it. There will come a time when the sea breaks the rock. " What causes a nervous laugh in Jeff "Ah ... there ... there ... The cliff can be turned into sand, but if at some point, the sensible Jeff bends to the force of the waters of passion, drown me in these waters and place signs with very large letters on that beach, with the words here already a strong wall and below write, 'Here is Jeff, a married man! "

Kurt smiling with his friend's desperation says "If that happened, you would be a crazy God of the seas!" and don David ends, "Okay! It's ok! If cupid heard our clash, soon you will tremble, to punish your rebellion. "

Laughing defiantly, Jeff replies to his friend Prince, "Yes, I will tremble if there is an earthquake in the immediate vicinity!" Don David, already tired of the back and forth of this conversation, addresses Jeff with purpose "Well, my friend. You will know how to adapt to the circumstances. But for now, Mr. Jeff, go to Leonard's house, offer my regards and tell him that I will not miss dinner, as it is certain that he has made great preparations. "

With a kind of official salute, Jeff says goodbye and goes inside the house, leaving Don David and young Kurt in the courtyard, at the mercy of the stars and the naughty thoughts that invaded their minds.

"Can Your Highness help me?" asked Kurt to Don David, who promptly answered with a sincere voice "My brotherly love is at your disposal!"

Kurt then continues, "Leonard has more children, dear prince?" Noticing the boy's hopeful look, don David speaks softly, "Besides Blaine, no one alive! The boy is his only heir. Are you enjoying him, Kurt? "

"Oh, my lord! When you left for the war that is now over, I just put the eyes of a soldier on it, to which the whole of you seemed pleasant, without the harsh task that I then faced giving the name of love allowed me to make that first impression. But now, on my return, when warrior thoughts leave their places, delicate and indescribable desires take place, pleading with me about the irresistible charm of the beautiful and young Blaine and proclaiming that before going to war I already adored him. "

Taking the figure of the young dreamer, Dom David declares "You are so passionate that you declare that you cannot disguise yourself, because then, if you love young Blaine, do not give up. With him and my father, I will endeavor to make yours, in the end, become. Wasn't it for that purpose that you began to unfold such a beautiful story for me? "

"Forgive me, sir, my prince. The fear of judging my passion as something premature and sudden, led me to use the devices of a long explanation! Kurt replied, ducking his head in defeat or shame at being caught doing something he shouldn't have.

Dom David, with a loving tone towards the young friend, but decided to expose his thoughts "Why make the bridge longer than the maximum width of the river? You don't need to be around me, my friend! That you love, it is true, I already realized. You will have help from me for sure. At night, I heard, there will be a party to celebrate our victory. On that occasion, as it is a masquerade ball, we will come in the same disguise ... I will play your part, introducing myself as Kurt to the beautiful Blaine, to court him and find out if he is just as enamored as you are. Then, I will tell the father everything that happens and ask for the blessing in his name. The conclusion is that it will be yours ... "

"Let us put that plan into practice right away."

And with a big hug, Don David and Kurt close the promising deal for a great and beautiful love story.

"Now let's go to dinner, because there is no lover who can stand on an empty stomach." Dom David says dragging his friend into the Andersons' house.

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