Another day at Work

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A few days has past since john was move from his Psuit to a regular suit,its a Friday at 10:14 AM john wakes up, brush his teeth, take a bath and go to his closet to get a suit for the night, he select one black with a black shirt without tie one of his favorites

John- well well,are you ready for the day john, well yes john I am inded hehe

Aaahhh,I better do breakfast, I'm making pancakes....*while he eats the pancakes* hey If haven't seen my new partner mmmm I better check that out.....nahhh maybe later.

In the floor 49 its compose by the 3 suites and 10 normal bedrooms and a activity salon.

John-*gets out of the suite* Ahhhhh another day at work...*he passes by the activity salon and noticed that there an activity some kind of advance age Pearson's activity* meh maybe its bingo or some shit like that. While he walks to the elevator he noticed that the doors were closing so he ran to them so he can get to it,and he did and when he opens the door there was this girl he push the lobby button that was already pushed by the girl.The girl was like 5'7, she has a white pale skin but not vampire white more like a little more tanned than that,short hair,blue eyes,she was skinny but not to skinny,she had some black eye liner and a dark lipstick color but not to dark.

John- *In he's mind* O.O omg this girl it makes me...............omg I'm blanked out!! I can't think, this never happened to my with a girl.

*elevator rings,doors opened*

Girl- *laugh* I'm Laila by the way *and she walks away*

John didn't pay much attention to it so he just heads to the casino and do some routines to check that everything it's OK.

At 9:23pm he calls for the day and head's for the checking out, just a normal day he didn't want any girl for today so he didn't search one he just headed for elevator...when he exit it he walks to his apartment with his sack on his back holding it by front with two of its finger. He walks by the activity salon and he see if the activity was over, and it did the salon was empty except for this girl sitting by a circular table all by his own.

John-*in his mind* Should I go and see what's wrong cause from here she looks pretty sad mhmm nah I pass

John opens his suite door and close it behind him and he just sits in his couch and turn on the TV at his favorite channel ...

20 min later he was almost k.o. when the door knocked. He stand up and slowly walks to the door...

John- *open the door*

There the girl that was sitting alone walking away

John-Hey you.....

Girl-*slowly see to her side without turning completely*

John- Are you OK?

Girl- *turn over * Yeah I'm fine just wanted to present myself

John- and why is that?

girl- don't you remember me?

girl- we met on the elevator this morning

John- oh yeah...Laila right?

Laila- yeah it's just that I thought to present me formaly

John- *in his mind* Damn she's hot

John- Well wanna come in?

Laila-*she awkwardly said* yes why not

John closes the door behind them....and she star to analyze john you know seeing how he decorate if its clean you know if his organized and stuff, and yeah he was everything was clean, he likes paintings so he have a lot.

laila- nice appartmen

john- yep this is it my place I try to make it as much as likely as possible, never have a bad opinion of anybody,hey wanna a drink or something?

laila-yeah sure tea maybe?

John-*in his mind* first girl that actually don't want anything or wine

john-sure any favorite?

laila- relaxant tea?

john-oh, sure I have variety of tea,I'll start boiling water

John puts some water to boil and sits on the couch were Laila its sit and were the TV was still on...

John- so laila , tell me whats a women like you doing on a place like these

laila - well work actually

john-work what kind of work?

laila- well its kinda not normal but...don't freak out but I work with the SPF

john-O.O O.O O.O like you have SP(super powers)

laila- yeah like I...can read minds and know what a person moves gone be giving me an advantage in combat,and I have an expert combat skill training that they teach at the academy

john-Ooohhh you can read minds :3 o.o *in he's mind* shit I think a lot of bad things Oh shit

laila-its OK it's not the first time it happens

john-what!, are you reading my mind?

laila-I just told you I read minds dummy XD :')

john-oh right

laila-and I can see deep deep deep in your mind that you have a kind heart

john- but why so deep in my mind?

laila- cause your mind is full of dirty things

John- ahahahahaha ahaha aha ha heh Really? o.O


john- ugh sorry about that heh

laila- well let's forget about that *Laila sit on johns lap in his front seeing to him*Well all those dirty things I want to see

john-O.O wou wou wou hold it down cowgirl

laila-*kisses john*

john- Plea.....seee..... Stoo...p......Fuck it!!

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