Chapter 37: The Rapper Bob Arc, but it's an absolute mess..

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Mushroom Kingdom, Year 2018. November 3.

The hero group consist of Infinite, Crystal, Flame, Alltynetta, ReaderFromWR, Angelina, Machito, Francis, Turlandb, Jen, Luna, Laura, Kylie, and SB123 Mario with SB123 Meggy Plush, came out of the portal in Mushroom Kingdom 2018 November 3.

ReaderFromWR: Where she could be?

Infinite: Not sure....

ReaderFromWR: (pulls out the snake scales)

Crystal: What's this?

ReaderFromWR: Sniff it, it's Lilith Desti's snake body scales.

Crystal: Scales? (Sniffs it)

Alltynetta: (sniffs the scales)

Luna: (sniffs it)

Infinite: Reader, what are you doing?

ReaderFromWR: They will find them eventually.

Crystal: I feel that the snake-tailed Ocotling is somewhere here.

Alltynetta: (goes on four and rushed off like a actual canine)

Luna: Follow her!

Infinite: You think my wife, daughter and your little sister as real canines?

They all rushed off far from Peach's Castle, and they saw, a well....? With crowds.

ReaderFromWR: Wait, isn't it-

The helicopter flew over the well and got the familiar Spike from the well, with the Garo.

Infinite: Mario and... the Well.

ReaderFromWR: That's the ending we're at. By the way, have you seen Allty?

Flame: No, but I remember she was beside me.

ReaderFromWR: But she shouldn't wander off like that.

Crystal: There she is. (Pointing to the two guards, unaware that Alltynetta were behind them eavesdropping about replacing water with vodka)

Luna: Why is she standing behind them?

Alltynetta: (rushed off infront of the SB123 SMG4 Casts in 2018) Hoi!

SB123 SMG4: Jeez! Who are you?!

Alltynetta: Guys, do you know that water have been replaced by vodka?

ReaderFromWR/Infinite/Crystal: (wide eyed) CHRIST NO!

SB123 SMG4 Casts: What?!

Alltynetta: Water have been replaced with a vodka, that green fish creature cannot swim up, and no one could able to get in it.

SB123 Swagmaster: Oh no you don't! (Pushed Alltynetta away from the gang) That's just water.

SB123 Chris: Yep, water.

SB123 Swagmaster: The green fish boi cannot swim from heavy rocks.

SB123 Chris: Nothing to hear this green dog here.

ReaderFromWR/Infinite/Crystal: Phew......

Alltynetta: *smol cute growl* That's vodka, I had it once, and got drunk.

ReaderFromWR: *sigh* All of above, I haven't been supervising her for many weeks, so, she's naive, and now, getting not used to some adult stuff...

Alltynetta: (pulled out some matches) Onii-Chan says this can ignite things.

ReaderFromWR: Hang on, is that a match?

Alltynetta: Like vodka is a ignitable liquid! (Lit the matchstick up while smiling, worse for all)

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