Chapter 6: Sindri is Thanos

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Machito: Jeez, theg gave us 50000 dollars!

ReaderFromWR: 25000 dollars each for us.

Machito: One more thing I must say.

ReaderFromWR: Shoot.

Machito: I'm sorry, I just wronged you, I didn't know Sindri can kill directly or indirectly.

ReaderFromWR: I accept your apology.

Machito: I got angry about you killing Aqua in the future but it was that sorcerer.

ReaderFromWR: (recieve a message) What is it?

Reader! Machito! Where are you?! We need you! We are between Inkopolis and Mushroom Kingdom, this is where the battles take place! Hurry!

ReaderFromWR: Oh sheet, I forgot about it!

Machito: How do we get there?

ReaderFromWR: In my squid form, I can do Greater Jump, an ability that can launch myself to a far places.

Machito: Then, how am I supposed to go to a far place?

Shroomy: Oh hi there fellas, how's going?

ReaderFromWR: Shroomy, transform into a robot.

Shroomy: Okay, why?

In the sky.

ReaderFromWR: Hang me tight, please, not so tight!

Machito: Who asked you to fly with Shroomy in the first place, I should have known you are afraid of heights.


Machito: There, send us down.

Shroomy: Okay, in super sonic speed!


Shroomy: (flies down in light speed)


Coolbowser: *laugh*

They landed.

A area between Mushroom Kingdom and Inkopolis.

ReaderFromWR: Machito! Next time, you can ask him to land on a helicopter spot!

Machito: But it is a waste of time going down!

ReaderFromWR: .......

Shroomy: Wow, look at this mess, I better clean it up. (Joined the heroes to fight the villains)

ReaderFromWR: (draws out his Chainswords) Time to die, bitches!

Xeggy: (riding Widowberserker) Widow, destroy all the good guys! Mei! Violent! Pichuni! Pikani! Aid them!

Saltination Meicoomon, Dark Violent Ruler, and two Khornate Pikachus: (nodded and took off)

Xeggy: I'm glad with Sindri, he is able to reform the reformed villains.

Orange Angel: Xeggy!

Xeggy: WOAH! (Hit the brake button, making the remodified Brass Scropion halt)

Orange Angel: Stop this instant!

Xeggy: What, I am not your soldier.

Orange Angel: Enough of these damages!

Xeggy: You were once a commander of us, but thanks to the Infinite he have reformed you. Time changes, Wario-Man and I still wanted to rule the world, but it is worthless, you're not worthy. (Shed a tear) Traitor, Sindri's incharge now.

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