The Moon.

433 15 7

A/N Sorry for not updating in a while. I've been kinda avoiding writing because I wasnt inspired to change the cringey writing.
Keith attempted to grab Lance, then he noticed something. His Crest was missing.
Keith got his Crest when he became Lance's official guard. It had a small lion on it. And it was in Lance's hands.

"Lance. My Crest." Keith reached out for it, showing no emotion whatsoever. "Hmm. I like it. I think I'll keep this actually, can try to take it from me?" Lance smiled playfully and slid from the bench onto the ground and waved it about Keith's face.

This past month hasn't been as bad as Lance thought. At first Lance was extremely rebellious and Keith was very protective but now here they were, chasing each other around a library like children.

Lance stopped running for a few seconds to catch his breath. Unfortunately for Lance, Keith has more endurance. Keith tackled Lance into a bush that was filled with butterflies. "Oh my Quiznak, Keith! You scared me!" Keith snickered on top of Lance,"How do you not use that term right? Your species created it!" Keith then snatched the Crest in victory and started laughing happily.

Lance couldn't believe his eyes, Keith was smiling! Not only smiling, he was laughing! A new beautiful emotion Lance was able to break out of Keith. It all ended too quickly, Keith stood up out of the bush and offered his hand to Lance.

Lance grabbed onto it and held it. "You have leaves in your hair Keith." Lance giggled. "Here." Lance, still unknowingly holding onto Keith's hand reached for little twigs and leaves in Keith's head. Keith was a bit taller than Lance since he was mostly Galra, Lance notices this and scoffed a bit because he used to be taller than Keith.

Lance finished pulling out the bush from Keith's hair and he just kinda stood there. They stared at each other again a bit before realizing how close they were, they both blushed and let go of each other immediately.

Both of them then stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do next. They started to acknowledge how much they kept getting flustered with each other this past month. Lance is hoping he didnt LIKE like Keith, then again he's not sure. He probably just finds him attractive or something. Right?

Keith on the other hand didn't understand the thing he was feeling. He hadn't had many emotions after his childhood days. He just thought Lance was unintentionally making his stomach feel sick and he thought it was rude to ask about it so he didn't.

Lance was the first one to break the silence. "Hey, uhmm Keith?" Lance started to ask a question. "Yes?" Keith responded. "Do you like cake?" Lance asked. Keith's ears twitched and he smiled a bit at Lance, Keith nodded happily.

Lance smiled brightly and he grabbed Keith's arm again and hurried back up the spiral stairs, leaving the beautiful library. Lance then realized that he wasnt able to ask Keith questions in the library today, but he didn't mind that much. He was having a great time with Keith today.

Lance was basically dragging Keith throughout the hallways, until they were stopped by none other than Allura. "And where are you two going?" Allura asked being annoying as usual. "Nonya." Lance replied flatly. Keith tilted his head a bit in confusion. "What? What's Nonya?" Allura asked obliviously.

"Nonya buisness." Lance snickered and walked past his sister with Keith following right after because Lance was still dragging him. Keith giggled at Lance's joke softly with his free hand covering his mouth. Lance turned and smiled, happy his corny little joke made Keith smile.

Allura was infuriated, she followed close behind the two.
A few minutes later Keith and Lance popped out of the kitchen with Allura basically spectating everything. "Allura, can you lay off?!" Lance yelled, irritated. Allura scoffed and didnt say a word. Lance twirled back around and grabbed his guard's arm again.

Lance then started walking faster with Keith, who was trying to hold the cakes without making them fall.
Allura just kept walking behind the two quietly. Lance was so done with the annoying Allura so he stopped in his tracks with Keith stopping a bit in front of him.

"Allura, I need to speak with you alone." Lance finally spoke. Keith was surprised when Lance said he actually wanted to speak to his sister. "Prince Lance-" "Itll be fine Keith, I'll be close enough so you can hear me scream!" Lance joked and Keith rolled his eyes, he learned not to take everything literally with this jokester Altean. "Fine, but dont take too long or else I'll need to check up on you. Alright?"
Lance nodded and yanked his sister's hand aggressively and took her around the corner to a different hallway. Lance let go of Allura and sighed,"Allura. The Quiznak is your problem?" Lance spat.

"You already know my problem Lance! He's Galra. They're not to be trusted! I bet he's poisoning your cake right now!" Allura spat back. "No. Allura, you're being <extra> today. You were also like that yesterday, and the day before that. What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you acting out?!" Lance asked, fed up with Allura and her bullshit excuses. Allura sighed and pushed her white brows together with her fingertips. "Lance, you like him. That's what's wrong. You can't like him! He's your guard and a Galra!" Allura blurted out.

Lance blinked twice and showed a confused look on his face. "Like him? Yeah, as a friend. We've managed to rekindle our friendship, I mean we had to eventually he's my guard after all! Theres nothing you could do to break the bond either so get the hell out of my buisness and leave us alone. For Altea's sake Allura."

Lance then started to walk off, misunderstanding the kind of <like> Allura meant. Allura tried to yell to tell him,"Lance I meant you LIKE LIKE HIM!!" To no avail, Lance and Keith seemed to have already left the hallway she was in. Allura thought to herself.


Meanwhile Lance and Keith were walking back to the library to <chill> as they promised each other they would do. They arrived at the nature filled library and sat at the table they were at before to eat their cake.
Lance thought this was a good time to ask Keith what happened to him since he disappeared so suddenly. "Hey Keith? Can I ask you something?" Keith's ears perked up curiously like the day Keith heard Lance's name called a month ago.

"Yes?" Keith responded. "Uhm well, this is a question I had for...uh a while now? And I wasn't sure if it was okay to ask earlier but now I think it's a good time and..." Lance suddenly got nervous as hell to ask Keith questions about the past, I mean, little Lance obviously used to have a crush on past Keith. He didnt know if Keith noticed or even cared but it would be embarrassing if he remembered it because he was bringing up the past right now.

Keith raised an eyebrow at the nervous Lance sitting in front of him. Lance gulped and sighed to calm down. "Well, I just wanted to ask...what happened to you? Why did you leave...?" Lance managed to get out calmly. Keith's face paled and his eyebrow twitched a bit, but he still answered. "My father, he wanted to train me early for battle. Of course, he already told me I would have to eventually. I just didn't know when..." Keith sighed.

"So that's why you randomly were training..." Lance looked at Keith as he was looking down to the floor now. His ears were flattened a bit, like this wasnt the entire story. "....There's more isnt there Keith? You know you can talk to me if you want. I'm here for you buddy. Plus I'm always interested in backstories of other species." Lance gave his friend a big smile as he took his clenched hand.

Keith's head rose back up from the ground, looked at their hands, then back at Lance and smiled lightly. They really got lost in each other a lot. They just stared into each other's eyes, not saying a word, being comfortable in the silence between them. Keith's eyes had a dull light/warm yellow color with a bright purplish/grey iris. Lance's eyes were pure white with a beautiful ocean blue iris.

They were just weirdly staring at each other until they heard a whimper in the library. They both turned around to see a wounded, large-ish blue and black space wolf lying on the floor in the library. It was huffing and puffing loudly like it was being chased.
(A/N hello. This chapter was kinda cringey bc I didnt change a lot of stuff lol I didnt have a lot of inspiration so yeah. But it's done so....
Word count: 1585)

Our Scars turned into a Cosmic Love (A Klance Galtean Story)Where stories live. Discover now