Imagine for Adrianna6384

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Your were so excited for Nash to meet your parents. You knew that they would love him.

Other than him being hot, you loved him for his personality.
He could always make you smile or laugh even in the worst situations.

"Adrianna, are you sure your parents will like me?" Nash told you nervously.

"Nash, it's okay. My parents will love you." You told him assuringly.

"Okay." He told you nervously.

"Don't worry, they will love you as much as I do." You told him.

You finally began to walk up the steps of your porch to your door. Nash finally got rid of his nerves and rang the doorbell for you.

"Nash, you will be fine." You told him one last time, before your parents opened the door to your home as If on cue.

"Hello." Your parents told you and nash.

"Hello, Mrs. (Y/L/N) and Mr. (Y/L/N)." Nash told your parents very kindly and respectful.

Your dad shook his hand and said, "I already love him."

--------2 HOURS LATER-------

"Bye, it was very lovely meeting you guys." Nash told your parents.

Wow. My parents really loved him way more than I expected.

"Umm, honey can we talk to you?" Your mother said sounding very questioning.

"Umm, yeah. Sure." You told them.

"Honey, I'm sorry, but you cannot date him." Your mother said with disgust in her voice.

"Why not?" You told your parents with more anger in your voice by the moment.

"He's basically a celebrity. He will break your heart. He's most likely going to cheat on you anyway." Your father said with even more disgust in his voice.

"So what. Maybe he is a celebrity. That doesn't mean anything." You told your parents while you were getting even more angrier.

"We forbid you to date him." Your mother and father told you in unison.

"Whatever!" You screamed at them while running up the stairs crying your eyes out.

You got up to your room an slammed the door shut while dialing Nash's number into your phone.

"Hello?" His voice rang very happily.

"Nash, my parents are forbidding me of seeing you." You told him while tears were streaming down your face.

"What? I thought that they loved me?" He said very confused.

"Meet me outside my window in 1 hour. We can runaway. You told him.

"I'll see you then." Nash told you.

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