Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: None of this is based on actual Greek mythology, Just the names were used.

I'm sorry this has taken this long. And we (myself and my lovely co-author @annacarina2) really hope you enjoy it!

Cliffhanger warnings apply😘


P. S. The bedroom scene referred to is the 1st half of the prologue. 😘


“Barry! Time for bed!” Nora announces as she comes into the living room from the kitchen, only to find that the area is deserted. She hears the thump-thump of little footsteps above her and chuckles to herself as she carries the glass of warm milk up to her son’s room.

“Barry.” She sings out as she pushes open the door and finds his smiling face, bright and green eyed, eagerly waiting for her.

“Well would you look at that, you’ve already picked out a bedtime story,” she remarks, noting the book clasped in his little hands. He nods with excitement and holds it up for her to see the cover.

Sons of Zeus

“Are you sure you want to read this one again tonight?” Nora asks sceptically as her son’s obsession with the Supernatural past makes her a little uneasy. Barry nods in confirmation.

“Can we? please?” he asks so sweetly that she can’t help but smile.

“Of course my beautiful boy.” She answers setting the milk down on the bedside table and taking the book from him. Nora settles down beside her son and Barry rests his head on her chest as she wraps her arms around him and begins to read…

Once upon a time

In a land beyond the clouds.

There lived a mighty God by the name of Zeus. His power surpassed that of any other and this, when combined with his great inclination for leadership and kind heart granted him the title of ruler of the realm of light. His power resided in the deadly brilliance of lightning, a gift he generously shared with his two sons:

Achilles and Apollo.

Along with his radiant and brave queen, Iris, Zeus did his best to bestow upon his children the virtues of love, kindness, humility and courage but this was a task that proved challenging even for the most powerful of Gods.
You see, mere days before his brother’s birth, Achilles found himself entranced by the sharp tongue of an elderly sorceress who drew him out with a promise of adventure. It was there, in the vast blue, with the son completing its journey around the earth beneath them, that this vixen of the unknown soiled the naïve soul’s mind with hateful notions. Insinuations that his mother’s love could not be shared, that his brother would be the end of his family.

Her words were tainted with a thirst for revenge that poor Achilles, young as he was, could not as yet point out and with an innocence common to one so green, he fell for her every word. His little heart was consumed by a fear of loss and upon his brother’s arrival the damage had been done and the seed of hatred nestled warmly within his tiny heart…

Nora looked down at a softly snoring Barry and smiled, relieved that she would not have to re-read the dreadful nursery scene to her ten year old son. Truthfully she didn’t want to have to relive that horror. As gently as she possibly could, she lifted herself off of the bed and tucked him in, giving him a soft kiss goodnight before turning on his night light. With a final look back she turned the rooms light off and left the door ajar behind her. As she reached the bottom of the stairs the front door opened and in walked her husband.
Well, a part of him anyway.
Henry smiled at her though his eyes betrayed his exhaustion and Nora reached for his brief case as she leaned in for a ‘welcome home’ kiss.

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