chapter 4

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Making their way to the helicopter, the group were nervous; But were hiding it well. First to board the copter was Yeosang with his devices, making sure to keep the from smashing. Then was Seonghwa with his sniper and lot of ammo. Followed by yunho, mingi, san, wooyoung, jongho. Then last was Hongjoong, who saluted the lieutenant before they took off.

Each of the boys had on headsets so they could communicate with each other and the pilots as well. First to speak was Jongho.

"Is anyone else terrified?" He whispered as he looked down.

"Its common for a newbie to be scared."

"Mingi, you gotta admit... this is kinda scary. Some of us have been in the force for years and have only gone on maybe 1 or 2 missions. Some of us none." Spoke Yunho. Who sat opposite of the boy who bit his lip.

"Cap here has gone on 2 missions and returned unharmed." Pointed out Wooyoung as he glanced at their captain.

"Those were small Mission, nothing this advanced." He said softly as his ears got red.

"Still... you've been on the field." Spoke san, who had somewhat opened up.

"How was it?"

"It was... like any battle would be?" He responded more in a questioning tone. "It didn't have a lot of risk, no one would be hurt if we followed the rules and guidelines. Just like with this one, but with this one.... there's more a risk cause... well theres more enemies."

They all nodded slowly before seonghwa spoke up.

"Hongjoong, did the lieutenant give you the place I was to set up."

"No, he said you wouldnt be setting up until much later. You have your pistol and extra ammo for is. Right?"

"Of course. What soldier would leave without their pistol." Pointed out the taller male as he looked out the window that Yeosang was sitting by.

In the corner of his eyes he saw the smaller male sweating and shaking, so he subtly placed his hand on the males thigh, gently squeezing, this caused  Yeosang to look up at The sniper, locking eyes with him. This was a silent promise from Seonghwa to Yeosang, that he would protect him.


The flight went smoothx the boys talked and spoke about the missions all agreed to protect each other when the time came.

When the craft landed and the men stepped out of the flying bird with their bags he took off once the men were safe enough away. This was when the mission started.

Making their way in the direction they needed to travel, everyone following behind Hongjoong, seonghwa behind to protect from behind.

"Captain, where is our first check point?" Asked Wooyoung who was walking right behind the captain.

"A few ways away, Youngie." The captain responded with a little pet name he had just come up with.

Keeping their alerts high and their guns loaded and in hand, all the boys made their way to the first check point, they knew they were far from the people of which they needed to kill to get the soldier kidnapped, but they didn't know if there would be spys or something.

"Captain, we made it to the first place." Whispered Yeosang as he stopped the leader from moving further.

Instantly opening the coms, he got his untapped phone out and called in, letting them know they made it to the first check point. Once the window of information was done, The group gathered together and took a small breather, since they were ahead of the clock by at least an hour.

"Now that we've landed, whose still nervous?" Asked Hongjoong as he looked around at his men.

Only Yeosang rose his hand, but many understood why.

"Cap, why didn't the lieutenant let Yeosang stay at Headquarters...?" Asked Mingi while he pouted and watched Seonghwa gently massage the nervous soldiers shoulders.

"In all honesty, Mingi, I have no idea. Yeosang isnt a field agent at all, was never trained one."

"Then... wouldn't that make him a bad lieutenant?" Asked Wooyoung.

"A lieutenant will send who he wishes on a mission whether hes trained or not.." spoke a bitter San, his eyes fixed on the road ahead of them.

"But what if he dies?" Whispered Wooyoung again, his eyes showing fear.

"No one is dying. Not on my watch..." spoke both Seonghwa and Hongjoong, the two simply locking eyes with each other.

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