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I was walking in the hall. I had to cut my hair short, like a boy cut. I cant have a girl uniform, so I had a boy one. I was a first year, and just moved back to town.

I walked into class hands by on my  stomach, and go sit down. I see another girl with a boy uniform, sitting by twins.

"Hello." She said.

"Um... Hello." I said.

"I'm Haruhi, what's your name?" She asked.

"I'm... Y/N."

"Do you want to be friend's?"

"Yes. And I see we both cant get girl uniforms." I said. The twins eye's go wide.

"How did you know?" One asked.

"Im a girl to I know this stuff." I say looking down at my stomach.

"Oh, why do you have your hand on your stomach?" The other twin asked.

"Can you keep secrets?" I asked the 3 of them.

"Yes!" They all said.

"Well I'll tell you after class." I said.

*After Class *

"Hey Y/N can we go to the club room to talk?" Haruhi asked.

"Sure." I said.

We walked in silence. When we got there there where a few boys in there. I feel something grab my leg. I look down to see a blond I use to know.

"Y/N-CHAN!" He yelled.

"Hello Honey." I said to him.

"Why do you look like that?" He asked.

"I have to keep some secrets." I said.

"Oh, well looks like you know him Y/N." Haruhi said.

"Yeah, can you tell me everyone else though?"

"Yeah." She said, "Senpai its your club you do it."

"Okay." A tall blond said.

"Well the twins are Hikaru, and Kaoru." He said, "And those 2 over ther are-"

"She knows us." To voices said.

I look to see Kyoya, and Takashi.

"How does she know you to?" The blond asked.

"We us to date." Kyoya said.

"Well I am Tamaki."

"You can call me Y/N."

I started to cry a bit. Haruhi looked at me and asked, "Hey Y/N, what's wrong?"

"Can we talk outside?" I asked.


We walk outside, and she hugged me, and asked what's wrong again.

"Well after Kyoya, Takashi, and I brooke up I found out I was..."

"Its okay you can tell me." She said

"I am pregnant."

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