Chapter 22

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After Gabe and I finished getting dressed, we headed downstairs for breakfast. I hid my hickey as much as possible with makeup so that no one would see it. 

Breakfast was laid out in the space that the bar was in when we first arrived. There was a variety of food to choose from, kind of as if we were at a resort somewhere. Breakfast was also served with either apple juice, orange juice, water or, and this is my favorite part, a mimosa.

Everyone is chatting with each other this morning, girls and men. I sat with the girls and got to know a girl named Julissa. Julissa was paired with a man named Elijah and she said that it took him a while to really get to know what she liked. I liked her a lot, she was pretty and quite funny as well.

Mid-conversation I see Hunter and the girl he was paired with walk in. They're about twenty minutes late but honestly I'm not surprised. I get distracted and Julissa notices.

"Are you okay?" she asks while looking in the direction I was looking. "Do you know them?"

I clear my throat, "yeah, he's my ex boyfriend. We dated for a while until he cheated on me with. my best friend." I take a sip of my drink.

Julissa is in shock and before she can say anything, Katie walks in trying to get everyone's attention. Perfect timing.

"Good morning, I hope everyone's first night went well!" Katie begins. "Today we are going to take an entirely different turn of events. You'll all be going on a group date. Today's objective is to get to know your partner, and everyone else, on a much deeper level. Yes, sex is important but sometimes we miss that spark when there is no intellectual or emotional connection. Each group will be going off in different parts of the area."

"Group 1 will be going indoor skydiving, group 2 will be going to an escape room and group 3 will be going indoor rock climbing" Katie continues. "The purpose of each date setting is to help your partner if they aren't that great at any of these three things. The groups will be listed on the screen in the main room. Have fun, I will see you all tonight!"

Again, I get nervous because I really don't want to be in a group with Hunter and that girl. Julissa and I walk over to the screen together and I am relieved yet again. Julissa and I just so happen to be in the same group. She goes to find Elijah as Gabriel ends up finding me. 

"Ready to escape a room?!" I exclaim to Gabriel.

He laughs and whispers in my ear "Not if it's our bedroom."

I blush and laugh, "let's go."

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