Chapter 6: The open house part 2 (Leti's speech)

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"Good evening everyone. My name is Leticia Triana. I just want to start by saying how grateful I am to this cafe. Over the years it has brought my Family and I closer together. You might've recently found out that this is a family Business. My siblings and I practically grew up in this cafe and we love it more than anything. This cafe might not be perfect but all my parents hard work and money was put into this business. Just imagine all the hard work it took to make this business work. Most people really only appreciate the flashy exciting things and a five star restaurant. When really, you should appreciate the hard work it took to get that restaurant. In my eyes, this cafe is perfect. This business has gotten us through some hard times. That's what makes it special. If a business could strengthen a family's bond, you can't say that business isn't special. Mama, grand-mère, grand-père, agnès, and Arthur. My beautiful family. Nothing is stronger than our love for each other and this business.  This cafe isn't a part of our life, It is our life. And we love it more than anything. It would hurt tremendously to see it being shut down. So please, don't leave our cafe. It's not perfect, but it's all we have." The audience went into a standing ovation as I smiled extremely happily. My family ran onto the stage and I gave them all a big fat group hug. I turned to look at Alejandro who was standing there with a big smile on his face. "Get over here!" I signaled to him. I ran up onto the stage and joined the group hug. "That was beautiful!" Said one the customers who were crying tears of joy. "This restaurant is special. I'll be visiting a lot more often." My family started to interact with other customers. I was happier than ever. 

Alejandro walked over to me. "You did it!" He said. "I did!" I said as I started to cry joyously. I pulled Alejandro into a hug. My face pressed against his chest, as he wrapped his arms around me. I tilted his face towards mine and kissed him. "Thank you. I couldn't have done this without you." I said. Alejandro smiled, "your welcome, belle." "Alejandro, ever since I met you, I felt something. That we had a connection. I didn't know what it was. Now I know, it's love. I love you, Alejandro. Will you-." He stopped me with another kiss. "Yes Leti, I'll be your le petit ami (your boyfriend)." He said. I smiled again as I pressed my head against his chest. "Hug me." I said. "Gladly, my one and only love for eternity."

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