Chapter 2

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a/n: Jennessa to the side

Jennessa ran around the kitchen island. She swung her head left and right before running from the kitchen to the living room.

"Braxton! This isn't funny anymore!" She called.

Braxton was the little boy Jennessa babysat on the weekends and sometimes nights through the week. During school, Braxton was her weekend and sometimes week day job. During the summer it ranged from babysitting Braxton and working at the local ice cream shop.

"Braxton!" Jennessa called again, walking slowly around the sofa. She kneeled down, checking under the sofa. Nothing. Where the hell did he go? Jennessa thought to herself before walking in front of the sofa.

She took another long sigh before walking out of the living room and into the kitchen. She looked around before spotting Braxton on the table, the macaroni she had fixed him for dinner in his toy sling shot, in his hand.

"Braxton.." Jennessa said slowly, "put the sling shot down."

It didn't matter what was said. Braxton was not going to put down the sling shot or the macaroni. She gently walked over to the counter before hurriedly grabbing one of her mother's large decretive plates and held up just before Braxton shot the macaroni at her. The macaroni hit the play with a very lubricated sounding smack! After dodging the macaroni, Jennessa put the plate back on the counter and looked at the little boy.

"Look, I'll give you ten bucks if you just get down and watch television for the last ten minutes you're here." She tried, holding out the ten dollars Braxton's dad had given in advance for babysitting.

Braxton quickly jumped from the table and snatched the ten dollars, rushing toward the sofa and clicking on the television.

Finally, she took a deep breath and began cleaning the macaroni from the floor before cleaning off her mother's decretive plate. It was 8:30 by the time everything was clean.

Jennessa slowly pulled out her cellphone and clicked on the messaging app and opened the photo her manager sent hours ago.

She overlooked her schedule for the ice cream parlor and sighed again. Summer was coming in three weeks and her manager wanted her to work the weeks leading into summer for inspections.

Every year the manager went on two month long trips with his family. His biggest dream was to travel every state of America before retiring his business and traveling the whole world.

Once, Jennessa told him he was very adventurous and that she wished she could be as spontaneous and courageous as he was one day. The thing about Jennessa was that she was spineless to new things. There was no way she could ever even think about traveling to new places.

Hearing the door bell ring, Jennessa locked her phone and called for Braxton. She walked over to the front door and opened it, seeing Braxton's father gave her relief. He must've caught the expression on her face because he gave her a sympathetic one in return.

"As always," Braxton's father, Mr. Flander, handed Jennessa a hundred dollar bill. Obviously she was being overpaid for babysitting ten dollars an hour and only watching the boy for five hours. When she tried to bring it up, Mr. Flander only smiled and waved goodbye.

Taking the money with a guilty conscious, the teenage girl closed the front door and walked upstairs to her bedroom. She opened her underwear drawer and put the hundred dollar bill in a tin can. It was her fourth tin can so far.

Each can was filled with any money Jennessa could earn for herself. From her pay checks at the ice cream parlor, she would take half and save it, while using the other half to buy anything she may need.

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