Chapter 16

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Warning: Strong Language, mention of death, mention of treason

     There was no one Mega wanted to see less than Zak at 3am. He just wanted to move his pansies into a bigger pot after he'd woken up from a nightmare about them dying. Imagine his utter surprise when he discovered Zak standing aimlessly in the middle of the hallway.

     He'd frozen up at the sight of the shorter man, but he was not able to escape before the peasant noticed him. Mega rolled his eyes as Zak called out to him, clearly way too excited to see him. " Mega! It's Mega, right?"

     Mega signed a quick 'fuck you' and started to walk away. He forgot, briefly, that Zak couldn't understand that. Unfortunately for him, Zak was still stupid. He followed the despairing gardener, catching absolutely none of the hints.

     The halls were hauntingly quiet. It was how Mega preferred them. No people, no sounds, just perfect silence. But Zak, apparently, couldn't see the beauty in nothingness. He tried to start several conversations, and when Mega didn't respond, he attempted sign language. It was clear he had the knowledge of a three-year-old.

     The gardener picked up his pace and soon he was passing by the entrance to the throne room. Usually at that time of night, there was no one but the occasional guard standing by the throne, so Mega was surprised to hear voices as he walked closer. He put out a hand to stop Zak and crept closer to the door. He peaked around the corner and sucked in a breath.

     The King sat in his throne, a very tired look on his face, and a robe thrown lazily over his form. His servant, Noa, stood nearby, looking just as sleepy. What shocked him more than anything was Darryl looking panicked, explaining something to the King in a frantic tone.

     Zak frowned at the sound of Darryl's voice, but took no context clues and waltzed into the room. " Darryl, why the hell did you ditch me, man-"

     The peasant froze. A guard, a servant, a king, and a hitman all stared at him, each one looking more shocked than the last. Darryl was the first to break the silence. He whispered to Zak as he grabbed his arm, " You shouldn't be here!"

     The shorter boy nodded, gulping as he felt the gaze of the King of Trimid on his face. " My apologies?"

     The King let out a sigh. " You warn me of a traitor and now I find you sneaking strangers into my castle? Did you wake me or am I still dreaming?"

     Darryl returned his attention to the King. He dropped to his knees, pulling Zak down with him. The King continued, " I cannot believe you would accuse one of my closest allies of treason!"

     " I know it sounds like a lie, Your Highness," Darryl responded. " But I assure you, I witnessed it with my own eyes! As did my friend here, Zak."

     " What did I witness," Zak whispered to the hitman.

     The King raised an eyebrow. " And your friend? Who is he to be creeping around my castle in the dead of night?"

     " He is my," Darryl paused, clearly debating something. " He is my apprentice. I have seen talent within him and I found myself in need of a partner in some of my missions."

     A laugh bubbled out of the King, and his servant looked nervous. " You are the highest trained assassin in the kingdom, you should need no help! Do you underestimate yourself to this degree?"

     " I underestimate myself to a completely reasonable degree, Your Highness," Darryl snapped back. Zak gaped at his friend. Was he really so good at his job that he could speak to the King like that?! " My last mission was almost a failure, might I remind you? It took me an extra week to return with only one working arm!"

     The servant next to the King flinched a little. Mega stared on from outside the door, cursing himself for being intrigued by the drama. The King waved his hand, dismissing it. " Never mind this, explain to me again how I am being plotted against?"

     " Your Highness, I witnessed your trusted ally, Schlatt, speaking with a guard I did not recognize," Darryl started. The King yawned. " They spoke of your demise, Highness. They said you would never see them coming."

     The King raised a hand. " I've heard enough."

     Mega watched as the older man turned to his servant and whispered something in his ear. The younger boy nodded and began to rush from the room, right past the gardener.  Mega bit his lip and looked back into the room, and then back at the servant's retreating form. Without another thought, he chased after the boy. 

     In the throne room, Darryl climbed to his feet, watching Noa leave with the King's orders. The older man, his brother, sighed. The brunette knew his brother better than anyone. He didn't want to admit weakness in front of others, but he trusted his allies too much.  

     Now, they stood in the throne room in the quietest time of night, with the loudest thoughts. Darryl shifted uncomfortably at the sight of his big brother in the throne. That throne had once belonged to their father. The Queen's throne stood empty next to it, where their mother used to sit. The new King had yet to marry, so it would remain vacant until they could find a beneficial marriage arrangement. 

     Memories of playing at the feet of their father cut Darryl like a fresh wound. He'd been dead for several years, but it was still painful to think about. Nowadays, all he did was fight with his family. His doting mother had become strict and his carefree brother had become anxious in the face of stress. He had the pressure of the Golden Age of their kingdom riding on his shoulders, and he would do anything to make it last as long as possible. 

     Darryl smiled softly, loving his brother despite all the torture he'd been put through. He eyed a tapestry hanging from the wall nearby, depicting the marriage of his mother and father. A love to last centuries, the people called it. He used to dare his brother to climb it until he could touch the ceiling. They never could.

     Darryl would be able to now, he thought.

     The King spoke, interrupting the heavy silence. " I've sent Noa to fetch Schlatt. I shall discuss this with him now." His words sent a shiver up Darryl's spine. He'd never called his servant anything but Lumboc, so he must've been in an indescribable state of mind. " In the midst of all this, Darryl, I'd like you to keep something in mind"

     The brunette perked up. 

     " I trust you more than any ally in this world," the older man finished. Darryl smiled sadly, sharing a moment with his brother that only siblings could understand.

     Maybe they weren't so far away from their own Golden Age.

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