Chapter 4

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"Here's your order, you two. Enjoy." Hitsugi places the drinks on the table in front of the two customers.

"Ah, finally it's here. Thanks miss!" One of them smiled at her.

"You're welcome." She bows at them before walking away.

Hitsugi has been walking around the restaurant giving the customers their orders for hours. At last her shift is finally done and it's time for her to head out. Entering the changing room, she changed her outfit and headed out with her small bag.

"See you tomorrow, Hitsu!!" A coworker of hers waved at her.

"See you." She waves back and exits the place.

She walks in the streets until she has reached the peaceful and less crowded area of the place. Her eyes calmly gazed at the surroundings, staring at the trees then at the birds flying around together.

A little bit later the same gray cat encountered her, she quickly recognizes the cat and kneels down to pet it.

"Good afternoon to you too. If you are here, then Luka must be near." Hitsugi smiles a bit.

"Mew.." The cat meows.

Picking the cat up and holding it in her arms, she stands back up and starts walking to where Luka might be. Taking a few turns, she eventually finds him watching the bed of flowers again. Luka later noticed her there and looks at her then smiles.

"Good to see you, Hitsugi." He calmly said.

"Hello Luka, so is staring at these flowers a habit to you now?" Hitsugi asked as she gazes at the flowers as well.

"They all look pleasant so I couldn't help it. Flowers are such nice creations." Luka chuckles softly.

"Luka you need to do something else other than staring at those, you still have your job as the brother of the alley right?" Hitsugi calmly looks back at him.

"I know, I know. Of course I will never forget my priorities, after all I am meant to guide the troubled children in this town."

"Speaking of that, is he and the girl doing good?" She asked him.

"Judging by how they act towards each other whenever I see them, let's say they're in good terms since then." Luka smiles.

"That's good to hear... Do you think that separating them from the start was a good idea?" Hitsugi places the cat down on the concrete ground.

"I could say it's both a good and a bad idea. If she did get to leave then the both of them would feel a little empty without the other." Luka closes his eyes.

"What happens if she didn't leave like now." She questioned.

"Well... a new challenge will appear before them soon." Luka answer.

"Challenge.... Like what exactly?"

"To be truth, I don't know exactly... but there's one way to find out." Luka smiles at her.

"Not to be rude but, you unsettle me sometimes when you smile like that." Hitsugi stated, getting a chuckle as a response from Luka.

"You'll get used to this soon, Hitsugi." He said to her.


A boring day this is, only sitting down on this floor while resting my arms on the coffee with the gun the old guy gave me the other day in my hand.

Because of seeing this, Nixium hasn't really gotten closer to me. She's been hiding underneath my blanket in the corner of the room this whole time. I sighed and put down the weapon on the table and rested my head on my knuckles.

"How long are you gonna stay there?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Nixium will stay here..." She retorted.

"Okay, good. Wouldn't want a pest bothering me all day." I said as my eyes narrow.

"Is weapon gone now, Chibi?" I heard her asked.


"Can Chibi put it away? So Nixium can hug Chibi." She requested.

"Like I'll do it." I said.

"Pleeeease." She pleaded.

"As I said, no."

"Why, does Chibi not want to hug Nixium?" Her questions started to annoy.

"Will you shut your mouth for at least a moment?" I'm starting to get more annoyed.

"Nu! Chibi needs to put away weapon!" She yelled.

"Who are you to order me around?! You stay there and don't bother me!"

"Nixium will hug Chibi then!!" She quickly removed the blanket from her.

"Wait, what are you doing-- stay away from me you pest!!" She jumps and tackles me to a hug.

"Nixium will stay here." The pest looks at me.

"Don't give me that look, it should be me who's looking at you like that!" I glared at her

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"Don't give me that look, it should be me who's looking at you like that!" I glared at her.

"Chibi I want donuts." She immediately changed the subject.

"After what you've done, no. Unless you behave I will buy you some." I said.

"Nu.. Chibi needs Nixium's hug." She began rubbing her face at my chest.

"H-hey, stop doing that. You're making me feel uncomfortable." I looked away from her while my face is going red.

"Donuts!!!" She yelled again.

"I said I won't be buying you some! Get the hell away from me, you pest!" I yelled.

"Nixium will not let Chibi go."

"I hate you..."

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