Getting to know the one and only Midas

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*insert the chapter 2 season 2 trailer here*

*and time skip a couple hours*

*im not including bush ranger btw, he's fecken weird*

Brutus: Midas is a man of his word, give him a few minutes Journey

Journey: alright, apologies sir it's just that I've probably caused an accident to get here

Agent Peels: an accident? Woah there, Journey, that was you at Hydro 16?

Journey: uh...

Lynx: Relax, some people make sacrifices in their lifetime

The man himself: I made a few of those to reach this spot

Agent peels: ah if it isn't The man himself, hows things ol' chap?

Brutus: Buddy! It's been quite some time

Lynx: *waving*

Journey: bout' damn time

Midas (the Man himself): Journey, what's with the attitude on you today? You seem... troubled

Journey: ah it's not for you to concern over

Midas: well... a chat will be informed later...
How are you holding up Brutus?

Brutus: it's going... troublesome

Midas: Sorry to hear that, I've heard that your base has been took over by the-

Lynx: took over?! Wait since when?

Agent peels: Lynx, did you not see the news?

Lynx: clearly not I guess...

Agent peels: well... that's not very good

Midas: indeed, so what's everyone's armoury looking like?

Brutus: not much for me, just an assault rifle and sub machine gun

Lynx: I'm packing a little bit in my speedboat, mainly just meds and ammunition though

Agent Peels: my Famous pistol and a sniper

Journey: I left it all on my boat...

Midas: mmm... not very good... well then let me introduce you to Maya! Our newest recruit and armoury woman!

Maya: hello everyone

Midas: she'll whip you up some good weapons in a space of a drum guns reload speed, heavy weapons to silent spectres... she's got it all, she'll be upstairs next to my office

Agent Peels: Good day, Maya

Lynx: good, we're gonna need more firepower than what we currently have

Brutus: wait... where does she get the weapons from?

Maya: the weapons are being shipped from slurpy swamp, Chaos agent stays there now

Midas: chaos agent? Isn't he the old Shadow leader?

Maya: Well... more so was the shadow leader till his daughter and wife were slain by... her

Journey: who's this her you're on about?

Maya: That's what we're trying to find out

*while the agents were chatting, they were disturbed by a former agent alerting them of a suspicious subject wandering through the agency*

*location switch to the front of the agency*

Desk man Tek: these cameras are good... Wait who's that? That ain't Brutus right? He's wearing black

*Tek runs to tell Midas the news*

Sir we have a Shadow bogey lurkin' outside

Midas: unbelievable... hold on a minute

*door closes as M walks out*

Agent Peels: Tek is this true?

Tek: it sure is

Brutus: he looks like... me? Im confused

*drum gun sounds*

*door whizzes open*

Midas: Apologies for the inconvenience

Now... where were-



hold on

*door slams*

Lynx: oooooookay then chief

Agent Peels: Well at least...

Journey: at least what?

Agent Peels: I'm not sure, I guess that explosion was from a Shadow agent that likes explosions

Lynx: So... TNTina then I'm guessing

Brutus: she joined the Shadow side? I thought she was trying to disguise herself

Agent Peels: Brutus, think again chap, Shadow demolitionist's are common

*door opens*

Midas: -Good lord of glistening that was fucking atrocious

Agent Peels: So what happened then Midas?

Midas: Shadow Demolitionist Crackheads

Brutus: I only hear you curse when your REALLY angry, what really happened then?

Midas: Later Brutus, I need to get back to some queries I have on the Yacht

Brutus: But sir I-

Midas: *points at Brutus*

Brutus: y....y.. yes... boss

Authors notes
Ight then, short, simple and doesn't live up to the title, the stories I like

FYI I'm making all the art for the chapters and book since I'm relatively good at art so expect chapters to be a while

Also I don't use social media but I might post my artwork later down the line

(If so then uhh.... stick to it Agent)

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