No more Lies... - ALTER-NATIVE make their move - lies go south - 2/4

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Swift: Dad? Dad!? Doesn't seem to be home

Midas: you sure? The house door was open

Vix: didn't he say he's out buying more storage compartments?

???: Hmm?

Swift: oh hey mom! Wasn't expecting you to be home early

???: oh good morning you... three? Who's that?

Swift: this? Oh this is Midas! Mine and Vix's friend!

???: Oh so you're the 'legendary' Midas that everyone's been going on about... make yourself at home! Just... try not to touch anything if you would

Midas: hah, Don't worry I'm well aware, what's your name by the way? Just so the readers...- I mean... I know who you are

???: me? Oh, I thought that you knew who I was, well my name's Catalyst, the Grandchild of the rift walkers

Midas: Grandchild of the rift walkers... do you by any chance know of two people called Fusion and Dream?

Catalyst: Dream? She's... the Riftwalker butterfly and Fusion is... actually I don't know who they are

Midas: okay... well that's off topic of what we're doing here, Could I ask you a question Catalyst?

Catalyst: Sure! That's usually what moms do best

Midas: could I... possibly bring Swift and Vix into my new organisation? A.L.T.E.R-NATIVE is the name

Catalyst: umm... what are you doing in this organisation?

Midas: trying to defeat a man named Oro

Catalyst: O-... Oro? The golden skeleton guy?

Midas: Yes

Catalyst: I see... could I accompany you in this mission? I was never to keen of being his apprentice, plus, the five guardians did not like me or take me lightly

Midas: You were his apprentice?!

Catalyst: mmhmm, you see, When I turned 17, I met a hooded figure in an alleyway while travelling home, I said hi and walked on by but I felt him staring at me when I was walking the other way, he grabbed me by my arm and didn't let go, I asked what his deal was and pulled out a knife on him, he didn't take me lightly and then burnt my knife to ash

Midas: so... this was the Fire King but young?

Catalyst: mmhmm, he started going on about my personality and attitude but I said I didn't care and hit him in the groin

Midas: *chuckles slightly*

Catalyst: he then started scaring me with his fire magic which I didn't care about until he brought Him

Midas: Oro?

Catalyst: yeah, Oro started talking to the Fire King and punished his bad attitude by imprisoning him under the polar peak castle which he earned the title: the Prisoner, after a while, the ice started to melt and eventually he was free, while the ice was melting away, I was gifted with 'Rift Lighting Manipulation' and I was training with it for almost what was 14 years on the island but only 3 years in Oro's dimension, after I was done with training, he set me off into the island and then I met drift, we met in a sort of... impulsive decision where I attacked him since he thought I was a criminal with my black Kitsune outfit, but he noticed my powers and asked who I was, we both took our masks off but we looked so alike, I told him all about Oro and all that, which Drift understood a lot, Drift told me that he had the same exact story as me and that we might be counterparts from different dimensions and that we were never meant to meet, for a long time after we met, almost like 10 years on the island, we started dating, had kids and now here me and Drift are

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