Chapter 3

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Leon isn't used to sleeping in his bed at home, but at this point, his family's house isn't really home to him, considering how rarely he actually stays there. Case in point, Hop's cute friend that he's known for years, who Leon only just had the pleasure of meeting yesterday. And when he wakes up the next day, it's hard not to smile as he remembers the look on Gloria's face before she went home...or the look on her face when she came for him, now that he thinks about it.

He's aware that it's a little bit sleazy to have sex with his little brother's best friend (on whom Hop has probably developed a crush already) upon meeting her, but at the same time, the look on her face definitely makes it seem worth it. It was almost immediately clear that she was into him, something that he's gotten pretty good at spotting in his years as the champion, and when she confessed the degree to which her desire were plaguing her, he would have been an asshole not to take care of it.

Gloria is young, but definitely not too young to be getting her start. By the time he was her age, he already had a fair amount of experience under his belt, and he was even younger his first time. He was curious and had a good friend to help with that curiosity, and ever since then, he's been a rather sexually free individual.

As long as nobody gets hurt, there's nothing wrong with it, he thinks. If it's an enjoyable experience for both parties, and if both can walk away from it happy, then there shouldn't be any problem, and so far, he hasn't run into any problems with it. He's popular enough that he gets a lot chances, and he tries to be careful not to get involved with anyone who expect too much and end up hurt. When he saw that familiar look in Gloria's eyes, he decided to see what would come of it, and sure enough, she was in a situation that he could help her out of, leaving both of them satisfied.

With an appetite like she had, it seemed like high time she finally lost it, and now she'll have the memory of her first time being with- he's assuming- one of her first crushes. She's a good kid and so cute he can hardly stand it, and he likely would have been attracted to her either way. So, with nothing for either of them to lose, it was a mutually beneficial hook up, and if things are a little awkward at first, because she's seen him naked and all that, they'll easily move past that. He and Sonia did, after all.

Eventually, she might even finally give in to the family resemblance and give Hop a chance, and this will all be some distant memory she can keep to herself and smile over when she's alone. Easy as that. Sure, he feels a little guilty just knowing that Hop is probably interested in her, but he's over the moon about his new Pokemon, and soon enough, he's going to have something else to be excited about, so it seems like a fair enough trade.

Though he's continued to say Hop isn't ready for the gym challenge yet, he wouldn't just return home and give him a Pokemon for no reason, especially not with the challenge due to start soon. Hop may not have picked up on his intentions, but it seemed like Gloria was already well aware that that is where all of this is going. She'll start off on her journey at the same time as Hop, and Leon is not only interested in seeing how the two of them develop as trainers, but is also curious if their rivalry might bring them closer in other ways.

Then he decides to push those thoughts out of his mind entirely, because it's too weird to think of his little brother like that, especially when he just fucked the girl he wants to set him up with the night before. Maybe he is pretty sleazy, come to think of it.


He wants the chance to talk to both of them about their new Pokemon, and, sure enough, Gloria seems a little flustered upon seeing him for the first time since their tryst. Still, she manages to repress that rather quickly, at least before Hop can catch on, and from that point on, Leon is sure that he only notices things because he already knows. Whatever the case, he's starting to think that he doesn't even have to worry about any awkwardness, when Hop runs off to do something or another, leaving him and Gloria alone for a little bit.

As soon as he takes one look at her, he can tell that she's about to bring up the night before, and before he has the chance to stop her, she's already done it, saying, "So, um, about last night..."

It looks like it takes quite a bit of courage for her to even mention it, so he decides to humor her, though he can already tell this is not going how he planned. "Still thinking about it?" he teases, and this causes her to blush.

"I-I just wanted to thank you! Again. For that, I mean, and I wanted to say...well..." She takes a deep breath. "If you ever wanted to do that again, I would. A-any time, really, if you ever wanted to, you could just ask and...yeah, I'd probably be up for it!"

As she says it, Leon is once again struck by just how cute she is. She's so flustered that she can barely get her sentences out, and ends up rambling as a result, and it's so damn cute . And to think, all of that is just because she's talking to him! It's hard not to be proud of himself, despite the fact that he knows this is not going in a good direction, and that's before she lands the killing blow.

Gloria brings one hand up near her face, pressing her closed hand to her mouth as she looks down and mumbles, "I really like you."

And Leon, like an idiot, immediately responds, "I like you too, kid." Of course he means that he likes her as in he enjoys her company and they had pretty good sex the night before, and of course he knows that she means she likes him as in she wants to keep having great sex with him and make him her boyfriend at the same time, but he still says it before he can catch herself, and she smiles so big that he knows he's in for it now.

He may see hooking up with her as mostly harmless, but the scandal it would cause if word got out could be devastating, and before, he was counting on her not taking it seriously enough to mention to anyone. But now she's just gone and confessed to him, and he's made it seem like he feels the same way, which means if he cuts things off now , he's going to break her heart. Just seeing that cute smile crumple would be bad enough, but beyond that, if she's broken hearted, she's way more likely to expose him out of spite, and then what will happen?

Hop comes running back before the conversation can go much further, and Leon is left wondering what to do. He's pretty much sealed his fate now, so as long as Gloria wants to keep this up, he's going to have to, until he finds a way to let her down gently and avoid any potential scandal.

Well, he supposes there are far, far worse things in the world to having semi-regular sex with someone as cute as her, at least.

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