New Found Freedom

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"Alright we're all done"

The transformation was finally over. The exhero thought that Dabi did a pretty good job. Scratch that... He did an awesome job. Bakugou was simply just a look. A look that was now wiped from the face of the earth. Bakugou smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were a bright blue and he thought they looked pretty good. He was surprised how well the eye color changing serum worked.

"Look at you. You look pretty good kid. Now come on before the others start complaining again," Dani said but Bakugou couldn't take his eyes off the mirror in font of him. He was still taking in all of the changes.

Bakugou ran his hand through his black hair. It still was spiked and poofed up in multiple directions. But the color made it seem more like charcoal. Bakugou couldn't help feel attracted to the new look. He felt Dabi's hand land on his shoulder and Bakugou let out a sigh. Bakugou ripped his eyes away from the mirror and looked over to Dabi who was smirking down at him. He let the older male lead him out of the bathroom and into the common room where all the other villains were waiting.

"Awww! Look at you! Oh you look so good! You did a great job Dabi! Look at your eyes! Wow... They're like yours Dabi! It's like he's your kid!" Toga said running up to Bakugou practically hanging off of him.

"Says the one who was trying to rush me the whole time. Also he's not my kid. Don't even joke about that crap. Zero is his own person and not my recreation," The older man said while rolling his eyes and Toga just puffed out her cheeks and held onto Bakugou tighter.

"Now that you guys are already done... Zero. Are you still up for that mission I suggested earlier? The faster we get you out to the public the better. Consider this... A family trip," Shigaraki smiled and Bakugou let out a dry chuckle and scratched the back of his neck.

"Awww! Look at him being shy! Come on Zero! Let's go have some fun and beat up some people! You can finally feel what it feels like to be free!" Toga said pulling at the boy's arm and Bakugou couldn't help but nod.

"Alright. Let's do it," Bakugou said with a small smile and Toga cheered while Dabi just smirked. Shiagaraki couldn't help but let out a scratchy laugh as Kurogiri made a portal nearby.


"Come on Zero. Stay low to the ground. All you have to do is go with Dabi and Toga and jump the wall. Once inside let loose and cause as much mayhem as possible. Then once you get the attention of the heroes then Dabi will call Kurogiri. Then we'll get you guys out of there," Shigaraki said and Bakugou nodded getting the plan.

Toga quickly put her arms around Bakugou's arm and smiled. Bakugou took a deep breath and used his quick to launch him over the wall, Toga still gripping onto his arm. He landed on the ground with no problem. Toga let go and Bakugou turned around just in time to see Dabi launching himself into the air. Blue fire following him as he landed in the ground.

"Come on and lets do this quickly. The faster we're off this campus the better," Dabi said as he brushed himself off and let out a sigh.

"Do you think I can some people's blood while we're here?" Toga asked as she seemed to bounce in place due to her excitement.

"Yeah whatever you psycho. Come on Zero. Do your thing and blow stuff up. Toga meet us back here in a few minutes. I'll go over there and you blow up stuff over here. Remember we're here to make a disturbance. But Shigi never said we couldn't harm anyone. So just let loose and have some fun and let's create some chaos," Dabi said as both of his hands lit up with blue flames.

Toga skipped off in one direction while Dabi walked away another direction. Bakugou just sighed as he walked away. He knew his way around campus. But he felt like he was wandering around. Like he was getting nowhere. But his feet seemed to tell him otherwise as he was brought to the steps of the dorm rooms. Bakugou looked up at the building then down at his hands.

"I guess it's now or never. It's not like they really cared. Toga said so... Once a villain always a villain," Bakugou said to himself out loud and let his explosions spark in his hands.

He took a deep breath and slammed both of his hands into the ground. The ground shook as his hands seemed to burn and he ground cracked beneath his power. Bakugou smiled as he was free from the old limits that others made for him. Bakugou kept letting out explosion after explosion and the ground seemed to cave in on itself as the ground shook with every direct hit.

"Hey you! You're not supposed to be here! Hands in the air!" A voice called and Bakugou smiled as he looked up in the direction the voice came from.

"Oh hello heroes," Bakugou said, finding new confidence as he spotted a group of people standing at the dorm room entrance.

"Who are you and what are you doing on campus?!" Uraraka yelled at Bakugou and the boy just let out a laugh. He felt like Toga at the moment.

"Just causing some chaos. Nothing much," Bakugou said with a smirk as he let off an explosion to his right making the wall to a building near him cave in.

The group gasped and they all turned to Bakugou. Their quirks activated. At this point Bakugou got a clear look at the people standing in front of him. Hagakure was there with Uraraka, Momo, and Tsuyu. Bakugou couldn't help but lose a bit of that confidence when he noticed the absence of Mina Ashido. But he just shook it off and faced the girls in front of him.

"I never thought a villain like you would be so stupid and would acctually be willing to come onto campus. We'll take you down without a problem!" Hagakure said as she was still in a shirt and shorts.

"Bring it,"

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