For You to Find Out

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After the fight the teachers were called. They checked the girls who were attacked and immediately got them the help they needed. Aziawa escorted everyone back inside of the door building and told them to stay inside for the rest of the night and morning. Now they all sat in the living room trying to process what had just happened and what they had just seen.

It was all quiet until Kaminari finished processing the situation and finally sat down to think.

"He knows my name! He knows who I am!" Kaminari said, making everyone around him jump.

"Pikachu? What do you mean?" Sero asked and Kaminari just ran his hand through his hair.

"He knew my name! The new Villains that attacked us! When I tackled him! He said he knew my name! He even said it when we all surrounded him outside! What if he knows where I live?! What about my family?!" Kaminari asked and it took a bit of convincing to get the boy to calm down.

"Kaminari, you've got to be crazy! You really think that this new villain knows who you are? Are you going to tell Mr. Aizawa?!" Mina asked and the blonde nodded nervously.

"He said my name as soon as we stepped outside. He said Kaminari! He said my name! That confirms it! I've got to tell an adult at some point! This has never happened to me before! What if something goes wrong?! I would know what todo at that point" He said he panicked a bit and didn't calm down until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down dude. At least no one died or got seriously injured. The girls that were attacked and fought against the new villain were brought to Recovery Girl by Iida and Shoji. They'll be alright. But for now we've been put on lockdown. Just try and chill. Jiro is upstairs getting some stuff that we can do while we wait for this to blow over," Kirishima said and Kaminari just nodded.

"You know? He was a hard person to fight. It was like he knew all of my moves before I even made them. Heck! He even took down Hagakure! He seemed like a strange guy. He didn't seem like a killer though. He only hurt us if we attacked.We all kind of went on him to be honest with you," Momo said as she walked into the common room, an ice pack pressed against the side of her face.

"You fought him didn't you? What was it like? Ikind wish I gotta go at him. I would have given him a battle he would never forget!" Sero said as he deleted his arm showing off his tape dispensers from the floor and Momo just thought for a second before continuing.

"That's hard to describe how he fights to be honest. His quirk is a very destructive one. But he uses it very carefully. It's like he's been doing this all of his life. You think he's an underground villain? Since the Stain incident more villains are joining Shigaraki and his crew. He might be one of the new villains," Momo mentioned and they all nodded.

"Well his quirk was very familiar. It looked a lot like Kacchan's quirk to be honest with you. With the destruction to the way the quirk was set off. It was very similar to the way Kacchan's quirk is set up," A voice called from the other side of the room and they all turned to see Midoriya leaning against the couch.

"What are you getting at Midoriya? What does any of this have to do with our bro?" Kirishima asked and Midoriya just sighed.

"You know how Kacchan was found d- How he was found dead on the side of the dorms? Maybe All for One took his quirk and gave it to a villain. Since that's what he does and stuff. So that's why the villain's quirk was a lot like Kacchan's quirk," Midoriya mentioned and the other nodded.

"That sounds horrible. Your quirk being stolen and everything. I can't even imagine the pain that Bakugou went through. A-And we weren't even there to help him!" Mina said and started to cry. Kirishima quickly hugged the girl letting her grip onto his red tank top.

"So how big of a problem do you think this new villain is going to be?" Sero asked no one in particular as he put a finger up to his chin thinking a bit.

"Well judging by today's performance then I'm assuming that he's doing to be a whole new category! We don't even know his name!" Momo said but then was quickly cut off by a mumbled answer.

"Zero," Kaminari mumbled and everyone turned to him. At this point Mina had stopped crying and was also listening to what the boy had to say.

"What was that Kaminari?" Midoriya asked and Kaminari just sighed and lifted his head.

"Zero. The new villain's name is Zero. That's what Toga called him when I tackled him. But who would choose the name Zero as their villain name?" Kaminari pondered and they all just shrugged.

"Who knows? Villains have their reasons," Momo said and they all went quiet after that no one saying a word.


"You did an awesome job Zero! You're the greatest! I thought I really lost you there! But of course you pulled through!" Toga cheered and Bakugou just smiled patting the girl's head as she hugged him.
"You did well kid. But maybe don't scare us like that next time," Dabi said with a smirk and ruffled the boy's hair.

"You beat up some of your classmates too! Never thought you had it in you Zero! Those wounds were nasty!" Toga mentioned and Bakugou just let out a sigh.

"You think I went a little overboard with the entrance? What if they find out who I really am? It's not everyday you don't have someone with an explosion quirk Bakugou mentioned and Shigaraki just laughed.

"If they find out? We'll just throw them off our trail like we always do. We can blame it on All for One or something. Don't worry Zero. They'll never find out who you really are," Twice said and Bakugou nodded knowing that he could trust the people surrounding him.

"Now... Why don't we get this show on the road?"

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