Chapter 5

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"You know you want me, nobody can resist" "No, stop please I don't want you." "Shut up bîtch!" he just kept yelling that over and over until I'd surrender. You would have thought after 3 years that you'd know someone well reality don't know shît.

"Please I'm begging you to stop....please....please....please" I just kept repeating that again and again even when my voice wasn't audible. I guess when you truly hope for something to happen it just stabs you right in the back.

Destroying any future hope you might've ever had.

"Annabelle! Annabelle get it together. Please wake up already" I heard him, I wanted to wake up from this dream, but I just couldn't.

"Annabelle, baby please wake up."

After what seemed like forever I woke up to see a pair of vibrant green eyes boring into mine.

"Nate I..." his lips started exploring my mouth before I could continue. "It was just a nightmare babe your fine now" "See that's where your wrong" "What do you mean?" "It wasn't a's my reality"

"I won't ask you what that means until you're ready baby, okay?" "Why are you being so nice to me?" "Why? Because you're an innocent angel that needs this not so angelic like man to protect you"

"I'll tell you" "take your time while doing so"

"It started when I was 17, I met this guy who seemed so perfect you know like my dream guy, but he was so far from it. At first he was nice, sweet, and just so caring. But then, after a year of dating he changed. He'd hit me, burn me, cut me, he'd do anything to make me feel like nothing. He always said 'why can't you just put out already you slût'. The one thing he never did was rape me, but he came so close way too many times. It continued until I was 20, by that time I had grown some muscle, learned self defense, and I"

I didn't notice I was crying like there was no tomorrow and all he did was kiss away the tears "shh you don't need to continue" "yes I do!" "one night he got so out of hand, just one more minute and I would've really been raped this time so, I kicked him and ran. I was much faster than him and I went to a train station and...well long story short I moved here, transferred colleges and got my shît together."

Nate was just staring at me with clear pain and anger in his eyes. "Nate, please don't think of me any differently" "you're the strongest woman I've ever met" and with that he kissed me and it became heated real fast.

"I want to heal all your scars and create a new blissful memory. Will you let me?"

"I wouldn't want it to be anyone else"

Now we know about Annabelle's past its bit the best, but she got over it and is trying to move on.

How are you guys enjoying this story I'd like some feed back haha👌👌✊

You know the deal ill update with in a week or 2

If anyone would like to create a new cover a trailer that'd be amazing!!!!

Until next time my lovelies


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