-::- Mash-up Epilogue -::-

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At Spinner's End, Narcissa tried to settle Severus, but he adamantly refused to take a sleeping draught until they hear the outcome of the battle. He also knew how dangerous it would be for Draco to return to the battle, so he gave him access to his basement lab and convinced Draco to brew him some necessary healing potions while pushing him to try and recreate his antivenin. Draco complied. After a few hours of working in the lab, Narcissa insisted that they all take a break and she brought some tea to the sitting room. During this time, the Patronus of a silver otter appeared in Severus' sitting room.

"Draco, Narcissa and Severus... The war is over. Voldemort unknowingly destroyed the final Horcrux, which was in Harry, but he failed to kill Harry himself. Neville killed Nagini with Gryffindor's sword, and Harry defeated Voldemort with an expelliarmus because he had Draco's wand that he'd confiscated when we were at the Manor. Draco, your wand had become the Elder Wand when you disarmed Dumbledore. Harry has used the Elder wand to repair his broken wand, and yours will be returned to you soon. Kingsley Shacklebolt has been made Interim Minister, and he is the only one who will know where to contact you. I hope this finds you all as well as can be expected... Please stay safe, stay where you are. If you need anything, send a Patronus, and I will oblige. Yours, Hermione"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as the otter faded. Narcissa took Severus immediately to his bedroom, but before he would take the potions she offered, he sent a Patronus to Minerva McGonagall. He was only slightly surprised to see that it had changed from a doe to a sleek raven. He instructed Minerva to view the memories that Potter had left in the Pensieve in her office. If Kingsley Shacklebolt had been made Interim Minister of Magic, he should see them as well. He told her he would be grateful if the memories were then returned to him. When the message was sent, the potions were gratefully taken, and they pulled Severus into a deep, healing, dreamless sleep.

Narcissa and Draco decided to accept Severus' invitation to stay at Spinner's End with him; Narcissa deciding to nurse Severus through his lengthy, but complete, recovery. Hermione kept them up to date, sending a Patronus to Draco several times over the following weeks. 

Lucius Malfoy was captured after the battle as he attempted to sneak into the Forbidden Forest after the death of Tom Riddle. He was actually caught by Luna Lovegood, Hagrid and a young centaur called Rigel when they had gone to the forest to check on the thestrals and other creatures. Lucius was incarcerated and sent to Azkaban. Minerva was made Headmistress of Hogwarts. She asked Severus to return, but he decidedly sent in his resignation. Arthur Weasley became Undersecretary to the Minister. Harry, Ron and a few other D.A. members are allowed to step into early Auror training, provided they can pass initial testing on their first attempt. Harry, Ron, Neville, Terry Boot and Ernie Macmillan all passed their tests with ease.

Narcissa and Draco together decide to turn themselves in, but Severus insisted that he arrange it. He owled Kingsley Shacklebolt and Harry Potter requesting that they, and they alone, apparate into Spinner's End so that Narcissa and Draco could turn themselves in, which they do. Afterwards, Kingsley and Harry speak privately with Severus and Kingsley himself pardons Narcissa and offers Draco ten years' probation in lieu of a trial. He would be pardoned after five years if he continued his education and has no arrests or infractions during that time. They both gratefully accept. 

Draco and Hermione re-do their seventh year at Hogwarts and are top of their class. Draco is allowed to attend Chancellor's Healer Uni in Arizona with Hermione. 

Severus and Narcissa fall in love and eventually marry. After she and Draco remove any authorized items that they wish to keep from the Manor, they give the keys to the Ministry so that they can collect any dangerous artefacts and collect any evidence that they may need for trials. When the Ministry is through with Malfoy Manor, but before the death of Lucius, she and Draco agree to have the Manor destroyed. Seamus Finnegan's demolition company is hired to destroy it with a controlled burn of Fiendfyre. The property is then sold and the Snape's purchase 15 acres on the Isle of Wight. On the property are two brick and stone farmhouses and a stone barn. A 2-acre swath of forest separates the farmhouses. Severus and Narcissa move into the older, smaller 4-bedroom farmhouse as it is closer to the barn which has been turned into a professional potions laboratory. The lab also has an attached, walled fruit, herb and vegetable garden. They add another walled garden, for flowers, behind the house for 'Cissa. Severus occasionally apprentices worthy Hogwarts graduates who want a Mastery in potions and runs his own potions company, Phoenix Pharmaceuticals. The second, more significant farmhouse is given to Draco and Hermione as a wedding present. Draco enjoys living somewhere warmer, as he loved the weather in Arizona. 

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