2day of school

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Abrry pov.
The doctor came in as soon as hayes left he checked my arm and told me that somehow I post a but to much blood.

I ignore it. And just to make things worse my mom came in scared.

"Gosh! Abrry what happened you where fine this morning!!" She said

"Mom, I'm sorry.."

"No! You had me worried sic-

"Do not yell at her" the doctor cut my mom off

He put me a cast in my arm and told me I couldn't go to school tomorrow.

They all left my room except Daniel.
There was a silent pause.

"Hey.."he finally answer

"Hey.."I answer back

"I'm sorry that all of this happened it's all my fault."

"No! It's not"

"I heard you won't come to school tomorrow.. If you want to I can stay? With you.."

"Daniel, thanks but I think it's better if you go to school and bring me some work for me to do?maybe."

"But I can stay w-

"Daniel, please do me that big favor.. Please?!"

"Fine."he said rolling his eyes

"Thank you" I say grabbing how hand with my left arm

"I will do anything for you,abrry"

Uhh. Okay... Why has he been asking so weird lately
Daniel pov.
After I told her that she just kind of looked confuse.

Nice going now she's gonna think I'm a weirdo or worst desperate!!

"I have to go I'll see you tomorrow after school.okay?"

"Yeah sure I mean where else will I be?"she responds a bit sarcastic.. I think

"Ok bye"

"Bye"and with that I close her door and leave her house
Hayes pov.

I explained everything to them for a while.

"Dude, that's just harsh!"Cameron says

"Yeah, not even I would do that to a girl!"Nash replies

"Well my bad" I say giving a jazz hands

"What do you want me to do? I mean I have thousands of fans! And her!" I said in a very rude tone

It just became silent for a few minutes.

"I honestly don't k ow what to say, I mean you ruined everything, I think?!" Cameron finally says breaking the silence

"Yeah.. How about you go to sleep and we'll talk about it more in the morning.."nash adds

"Fine, I'll see you tomorrow"I respond back

When I went to sleep I didn't feel right I felt like I just did something...wrong.

I started thinking all the fun times me and abrry had when we where little and I knew what I had to do..

Recover them..but how

I looked to my window and saw abrry room on.

•hayes lives next to Daniel, and Daniel lives across from abrry•♡forgot to mention sorry♡

"I know I can sneak to her house tomorrow and try to talk to her..""yeah.." I say to myself
Cliff hanger or naah?
Sorry my last story wasn't so good I read it myself and it's was..ehh I've been so busy but I hope this story works bai ily guys💕😘

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