Chapter One

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I pressed my body against the back of the stage. He must of left by now right? Oh, no..he's still there.

"Calum? Come out, I'm not gonna hurt you.." He chuckled, clearly lying.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I ducked behind the stage, my body flat against the cold floor. I felt a hand grab mine and I went to scream, only being silenced by a hand covering my mouth. I opened my eyes to see my bestfriend, Luke, holding me.

"Be quiet and he won't hear us." Luke whispered, tears staining his cheeks. 

I nodded and pulled him in for a quick hug before dragging him down with me.

"Where's Michael?" I asked quietly,

"I-I don't know." Luke whimpered.

Michael is Luke's boyfriend and my bestfriend. After Ashton pulled a gun out on the whole school, Michael disappeared and we both just prayed that he hadn't been shot. Speaking of Ashton, we heard him moving closer to the stage so we silently sprinted past him and into the school halls.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I heard him roar in an irritated rage.

I fought back the tears as Luke and I ran through the halls, trying to drown out the sound of Ashton running after us. Luke pulled me into the janitor's closet that was nearby and pushed me against the wall. We heard Ashton run past and Luke fell back against the door. I looked around the closet, noticing something, or someone, right at the back but I was too scared to check. If it was a person, it definately wasn't Ashton and they would come out. 

"We need to find Mikey." 

I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Are you mad Luke? There's a psycho chasing after us! We'll find him afterwa-"

I was cut off by Luke slamming me against the back of the closet and pulled me up by rhe collar of my shirt.

"Listen to me you prick, we're going to find my fucking boyfriend whether you like it or not!" He snapped.

I pushed him back and glared at him.

"Okay, okay..just calm down." I muttered, dusting myself off.

Luke rolled his eyes but ignored me, trying his best not to snap at me like he always does. I looked around the back of the closet, searching for a weapon or a torch or anything that could be helpful. My hand came in contact with something cold and I screamed when I realized it was another person's hand, Luke glared at me and slapped me across the face.

"Shut the fuck up!" He whisper-yelled,

"B-But there's someone in here." I whimpered, pointing to the hand that I was still holding for some reason.

Luke pulled out his phone and used to light from the screen to examine the hand, moving along the arm until he stopped at the face of this mysterious hand and screamed.

"It's a dead body!" He yelled, turning his phone off and pulling me out of the closet with him.

I shivered at the thought of holding a corpse's hand and ran with Luke, suddenly running into Luke who was frozen.

"L-Luke?" I asked, looked up at my bestfriend.

His eyes were wide and tears were falling down his cheeks, I looked ahead of us to see Ashton with his arm wrapped around Michael's neck and a gun pointed to the side of his head. Michael had the same expression as Luke and was struggling in Ashton's grip, Luke went to run but I held him back when seeing Ashton's finger slowly move to the trigger.

"Come any closer and I won't hesitate to blow your boyfriend's brains out on the fucking wall!" Ashton snapped,

"L-Lukey.." Michael whimpered "Ashton, please, don't hurt him!"

"Ashton get the fuck off of my boyfriend now!" Luke demanded.

I stayed silent.

"Only if you give me Calum." Ashton smirked.

I honestly expected Luke to give me away and let Michael go but I was mistaken when Luke shook his head slowly, his electric blue eyes burning into Ashton's fiery hazel ones. If looks could kill, Ashton would be on the floor. 

"How about, you give me my boyfriend back and the three of us will walk out of here like nothing happened?" Luke shrugged "It's that or I beat the living shit of you and the three of us take your ass to the mental house you psycho fuck."

Michael smirked at his boyfriend's remark.

"That's my Lukey." He sighed lovingly.

If this was any other day, I would of rolled my eyes and told them to stop being so cheesy but at this moment in time, I was glad that they were still so loving towards eachother. 

"Awh, how cute," Ashton mocked, fake pouting "But I'm afraid that's the wrong answer."

My heart pounded as Ashton played with the trigger, teasing Luke. Michael suddenly kicked Ashton's leg with the back of his foot and Ashton screamed out in pain, releasing him. 

"RUN!" Michael shouted, pulling us with him.

I was trailing behind the other two as we ran through the halls Michael and Luke were hand in hand, sprinting to the front entrance. We saw the doors swing open and my heart lifted as we got closer, my world suddenly falling apart when I felt a hand cover my mouth and something pulling me back. I felt myself falling and a pain shoot through the back of my head as it collided with the cold-tiled floor. The last thing I remember was hearing the door slam and Michael and Luke try to get back in, calling for me.

"Payback's a bitch." Ashton snarled.

I felt something hot run down my face and there was a metallic taste in my mouth. After that, everything went black..


I need to stop writing new fanfics, well anyways, this is the new one and I like how it's going so far :) at first I was gonna have either Luke and Calum find Michael dead or Ashton shoots Luke but I hate having character deaths cause they make me cry :( Anyway, please vote and comment what you think. Have a nice day Kiwis ~ Stella x

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