Chapter Eight

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Locked in a cupboard while your ex-bestfriend and ex-boyfriend are having kinky sex upstairs is not something I thought I'd be doing anytime soon. And wow, who knew that Ashton could be so dominant in the bedroom? The boy even has a daddy kink. To say I wasn't turned on by the thought of doing it with Ashton and calling him daddy while he rode me would be a lie. It was just Luke, he's such a bonerkill. While I was trying to get rid of the tent in my pants from thinking about Ashton, I was also plotting Luke's brutal murder. That boy definately wasn't going to survive what I've got coming for him. Now's probably the right time to say that Ashton turns me on, a lot. But I couldn't be in love with him, it just couldn't happen. Especially not after what happened before, no way can I let him get hurt like that again, even if it is by me. I kicked the door in anger. I couldn't be falling in love with my kidnapper, he's too fragile.

You're in love with him, face it.

I'm not in love with him.

You are.

I'm not.

You are.

Fuck you.

Fuck you too.

Great, is this all the company I get? Me and my own bitchy thoughts? Wow, I'm having a whale of a time over here while Luke's busy destorying my boyfriend's ass. Uh, did I say boyfriend? I swear I meant ex-boyfriend/kidnapper.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

Oh shut up. I rolled my eyes and eventually went to sleep.


"A-Ash.." I whimpered before thrusting one last time.

Ashton let out a high-pitched moan and I smiled at the sight. He looked like he was in pure bliss, his straightened fringe sticking to his forehead and his hazel eyes shut tight while he chewed on his bottom lip. 

"ASHTON WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" A voice growled from the bedroom door. 

Ashton turned around, still in the same position he was before, and gasped when seeing his dad standing at the door with his arms crosses. My eyes widened too and I pulled out as Ashton stumbled around the bedroom, covering himself up in the quilt. I quickly put on my boxers and grabbed my clothes.

"Get out of my house you disgusting little freak. I don't want you infecting my son with your diseases." His dad snapped at me.

I nodded quickly and jumped out of the window. Sending Ashton one last worried glance before leaving. And I ran, I ran from the house, slowly pulling my clothes back on as I waited for Ashton to reply to the text I sent. 

[To: Ashy <3]

You're okay, yeah?

I stopped at my house and ran up to the bedroom, for once, I was genuinely worried about him. His dad didn't exactly look like a nice guy and he hates gays, god, I hope Ashton's okay. I felt my phone buzz and I jumped and went to read the message.

[From: Ashy <3]


I sighed in relief and put my phone back down. It went off again and I rolled my eyes before reading the message.

[From: Lucas Robert Hemmings]

Just saw you running from Ashton's house..naked. Please tell me you didn't do it.

I rolled my eyes and called him.

"You didn't. You fucking didn't Calum." Luke immediately said on the other line,

"Two things. One, yes, I did. And two, what's it to you?" I snapped, irritated with how dramatic Luke was being.

He hung up and I scoffed, muttering insults under my breath as I got one last text from Luke. 

[From: Lucas Robert Hemmings]

You took it way too far.

And the part that pissed me off the most, was that he was right.


I woke up and tried to scream, forgetting that my mouth was covered. Luckily, Ashton and Luke had stopped so I could sit in piece without having to listen to that. I heard the sound of footsteps going down some stairs and the door was opened again. I assumed it was Luke so I stayed in my position, trying to make out his figure through the blindfold.

"Get used to it, Hood, you'll be spending a lot of time in here," Luke chuckled coldly "In good time, I'll eventually kill you. But for now, you can stay here and listen to how much fun your little Ashton's having without you."

"L-Luke? Who are you talking to?" I heard Ashton ask nervously from upstairs,

"No one Ashton, just shut up and get ready." Luke snapped harshly.

I wanted to hurt him so badly for talking like that. He slammed the door shut and went on to do whatever he was doing, after a while and much to my dismay, the moaning started happening again and I rolled my eyes. The only thing that worried me was that Ashton wasn't moaning as loud as he was before, he didn't sound like he was enjoying it either. His moans came out as more of a whimper and I swear at one point, he told Luke to stop. 

Well, maybe Mr. Perfect Hemmings isn't as perfect as he thinks he is. 


Really short chapter sorry, next chapter will be longer :/ So..thought's on Luke being a dick? Calum growing feelings for Ashton? Lashton?

Please vote and comment what you think :3 Have a nice day Kiwis ~ Stella x



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