~Chapter 4~ 6,5

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"OK THIS IS GETTING OLD. THS GENERATOR NEEDS FIXING!" Vinny announced, throwing his arms up, knocking his baret off accidentally. "Hey, has anyone seen Alicia?" Liza asked, acting as innocent as possible. The house shrugged, and decided to get up and look. To make it quicker, they all went in different directions. Suddenly, there was a horrified cry from Annie, who was in the garage. The crowd gather around the (I'm not going to use a myth reference again I'm not going to use a myth reference again) BrOkEn chair to see the gory image of Alicia, ripped apart, some of her limbs now fell off the chair. "WHAT THE F-" Annie narrowed her eyes sternly at Charlie, and he
quickly shut up. Everyone gathered into a huddle, leaving Annie behind (since she accused an innocent person last time), to discuss who they thought murdered Alicia in the disgusting and horrifying way. Before anyone could make a decision, the power cut out quicker than usual. Annie grabbed Charlie's hand and started running. "WHERE THE HELL YOU GOING?" Vinny asked, blocking the entrance to the bathroom. "I.. hate... you." Charlie and Annie mumbled, synchronised, under their breath. "HELP ME!" Annie suddenly screeched.

~Annie's POV~
I felt hand grip onto my shoulders. I was dragged into the bedroom, and thrown onto the ground. After coming to my senses a little bit, I could make out a shadow of Liza. She chuckled and pulled out a knife. Trying to defend myself but failing at the same time, I threw my hands over my face. Before I knew it, the knife was right above me face. (In that moment she knew, she ******* up)

Charlie and Vinny swiftly followed the two girls to the bedroom. On the way there, they could see dead bodies of their housemates, hung or stabbed. Their breaths becoming deeper by each second, they opened the door. "WAIT!" just before Liza could stab Annie once more, Vinny shrieked and jumped on top of Liza (no no no it's not going where you think it is although if I had to admit myself I rlly wanted to include smut in this >.<), and managed to wrestle the blood-stained knife from the clutches of Liza. Whilst the two people were struggling, Charlie went in and helped Annie. "Don't worry, I'm medic." Charlie revealed, healing Annie- which immediately made her stand to attention, but her wounds were still evident. Proud, Vinny pushed the others back, as Liza rose into the air, dropping the knife onto the now red floor. Some sort of black mist surrounded Liza, and a petrifying laugh erupted in and echo-like manner throughout the small house. After a few minutes of the laughing (which was in the pitch black, jeez just thinking about it scares me. Bruh I'm writing this at 00:18 ;-;) the mist surrounding Liza disappeared, and the three surviving housemates heard a click. Had they escaped?

We will never truly know....

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