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As soon as our training finished, we hurried to get out of the room, Paul surprised by my abandonment to complain about something. When we are out of side, we look at each other and  Adam says:

-Do you know what he was talking about? 

-You, me, us. There are others right?

-It is what they told me, accidentally I guess.

-What? So you are not supposed to know?

-When the others guys asked Paul if there were others, Paul brutally shuts them up and told them to leave. I guess he thought I wouldn't remember, but obviously I did. 

-So he thinks you don't know?

He nods. We stay silent for a while and I eventually say grabbing his arms:

-We need to tell my friends!

-Uh, okay he says following me. 

On the way to Tristen's room, Adam suddenly stops me and looks into the void. After a few seconds he asks:

-Wait, so Paul was talking about others us to that guy... But who is that guy and where did he go after they stopped talking?

I look at him and reply:

-Gosh, I almost forgot about that detail! That's right. Where did that guy disappear and who is he?

We both look at each other for some more time and we start walking again to Tristen's room. We sometime look at each other as if one of us will find the answer all of a sudden. Unfortunately we both have no clue. Five minutes after, we arrive and I knock loudly on Tristen's door.


-Open, now, it's important! I shout.

He comes and open a little. I hear something in the back. Someone is actually talking. I look at him. He is in his underwear.

-Umm, am I disturbing you? 

He turns his head to look at the person in the room, then faces me by saying:

-Umm, yea kind of. 

He's my best friend, I don't care if he is having an affair or anything, my story is way more important.

-Sorry, but it's urgent, I say pushing him out of the way dragging Adam with me. As soon as I get inside, I immediately stop. Really? Brinley is in his bed, the bedsheets surrounding her body. She stands, coming to me. I remain petrified, mortified, mute. 

-Charlie... she says shyly.

I turn around and take the way to the door. 

-Wait, Brinley says grabbing my arm. Let us explain.

I stop and say in a breath:

-It's pretty obvious, you two have been having a fling behind my back, for I don't know how long. I mean I was always there for you, both, and my reward is you lying to me?

-Charlie, we haven't been lying to you, not completely. 

-It happened the day she talked with Paul in this room. She was devastated because she went against your recommendations. She came to see me, and I don't know it all happened so fast, that we did not have the time to speak to you and we didn't completely know how to tell you, what was the right way and the right moment to tell you...

I look at them both. They seem serious. But after everything I've been through, what we've been through today and before, I cannot forgive them not to tell me yet right now. 

-I'm sorry, but I need time to think about all of this, I say turning my back to them.

-But wait, you came here to tell us something important, says Tristen trying to make up for what they did in any way he can. 

I don't have the strength to discuss this with them anymore, I can't even look at them anymore.

-I guess we'll just handle it ourselves, Adam and I, I declare, grabbing Adam's hand. 

We head out of the room. Tristen and Brinley standing shattered. When we arrive at my bedroom door, I don't really know what to do. What is my plan. I don't have any. I need to find something. 

-Do you want to go inside? Adam asks.

-Yes, get in, I mumble while opening the door. 

-I'm sorry about your friends.

-Can we please don't talk about it please? I ask impatient.

-Of course, he says a bit destabilized.

-Umm, okay. We need to do something about this. Us. Who was he talking to? And why should they hide from us the fact that there are others like us? There's gotta be a way to know the truth? I cannot let another person be hurt the way I am. 

I start to cry. What is my problem? 

-And them, lying right to my face everyday, I hate this world, I hate everybody. Why is our world so fucked up that way? I just need to...

I'm stopped right away. I don't know what it happening. It happened so fast that I can't do anything about. All I do is return it back. Return this kiss. I stare at him after he finished kissing me and kiss him back. What we are doing is wrong, we shouldn't be doing that. It's only going to make us be weaker. So I break our kiss and push him back. We don't say anything for what seems an eternity. He looks at me intensely. His deep grey eyes go right through me. I look at his body, all I need right now is a comfort. And as I can't run to Tristen's eyes right now, I let myself in Adam's. I grab his t-shirt and kiss his lips again. It's a strong kiss, full of fear, determination, and emotion. He grabs me and lies me on the bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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