A Truth For A Truth

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It was several days later now and Daenerys' ears had become accustomed to the quiet Northern grumbles that seemed to follow her wherever she went. However she still preferred the silence, so she sought solitude in her quarters that had been given to her to stay in. They were simple but practical, it kept the chill away well enough but when it came to splendor there wasn't much of it. She mused for a second that they were quite like Jon in a way. Simple and without splendor. Quite the opposite to his younger sister. It was strange, she thought, that since that first cold day she had neither seen nor spoken of Arya Stark. She had thought about her, in truth, she hadn't stopped thinking about her, but that was inevitable after what she has shown she could do. And those stone grey eyes felt frozen in Daenerys' mind.

Knowing Tyrion was probably waiting to meet with her, she turned to leave the room but as she opened the door she was met by a face wrought in shadow and the cold grey eyes of Arya Stark. Daenerys jumped.

"Goodness!" Daenerys remarked, slightly stunned, "I didn't hear you come."

"I wanted to talk with you Your Grace." Came the reply. "Alone." Daenerys thought about calling for her guards but knew they would be of no use to her if this shadowy girl had malicious intent. "I needed to ask a few questions."

It was odd, the girl stood smaller than her yet in that moment she felt dwarfed by her. There was a mystery about her which captivated Daenerys' mind, intriguing her to know more. So with no second thoughts the words fled Daenerys' mouth.

"And I, you." There was a pause and Stark girl's eyebrow twitched slightly.

"A truth for a truth." she said stiffly "I ask you a question which you answer truthfully and you me. Don't try lying." Daenerys felt the last part slightly sinister but she wanted so desperately to know this girl that she nodded curtly.

"Why have you come north?" The girl immediately asked, locking her hands behind her back. Daenerys thought about it briefly before answering.

"Your brother showed me the real enemy. I have come to fight for the living." The Stark girl gave no reaction and waited motionless for a while until Daenerys realized she was waiting for a question. "Who taught you to fight with a blade so well?" She asked, straightening her back a little.

"No One." Came the response. Daenerys did not think that was true but could not be sure so said nothing. "Why do you trust my brother?" The girl asked, taking a step forward.

Daenerys thought longer this time. "He came halfway across Westeros to ask me and gave me no reason to believe he was untrustworthy." The answer seemed to satisfy so it was Daenerys' turn to ask a question now. She thought back to what Jorah has said about the girl's fighting methods being from somewhere else so she asked.

"Where did you learn how to fight so well?" Daenerys has expected hesitation, but none came.

"Braavos." Came the reply.

The girl narrowed her eyes subtlety. "Why do you want to know about my training so much?" For a moment, Daenerys was speechless, her eyes wondered off to the other side of the room.

"Ser Jorah was watching you the other day and commented he was interested in your technique." She stumbled.

"Lies." Barked a voice. She looked back to see the girl glaring harshly at her. It was true it was a lie. But how did she know?

"I-" she started. "I was watching you." She felt embarrassed though she did not know why, however it seemed as thought the answer was not enough judging by the was the girl still looked at her. "If I am to speak the truth." She paused, "I was in awe of your abilities. Here I stand as Queen yet feel I do nothing of importance-." She halted suddenly. Why was she saying this? She would now appear weak and useless. She looked at the ground in despair feeling her cheeks begin to redden.

"You can ride a dragon." Said a slightly more tentative voice from in front of her. Her head jerked back up to see the girl looking back at her with sparkling eyes. "Ever since I was a little girl I have always dreamed of dragons and Targaryen Queens. And these past few nights-" She faltered, struggling to push the words out. She clenched her jaw and pursed her lips as if the sentence had been caught in her throat. Daenerys tilted her head slightly and gave a small smile from the corner of her mouth.

"Go on." She said, trying to sound both gentle and authoritative.

"Well," the girl continued, "These past nights I have dreamt of you." Daenerys was a bit taken aback, it was not quite was she had expected to hear so wasn't quite sure how to respond.

"Oh. Thank you?" She could see the girl now felt uncomfortable. "I will take it as a compliment." She hesitated for a moment before adding, "And, in truth, I have not stopped thinking of you either. My Lady." The girl blinked, seemingly startled.

Daenerys prayed she had not said anything that would offend her. The girl's features softened.

"Just Arya is fine." She smiled. And Daenerys smiled back.

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