sending: happiness

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[ d i s c l a i m e r ]

this story is pure only my imagination. it has nothing to do with the real life of the character. All of the characters are belong to their family.

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[ s i n o p s i s ]

People tend to call her the independent student or the popular-unpopular kid. And she's okay with that.

"I'm fine with the labelling. There's a benefit anyway and that is getting less hurt."

Because she's been broken before.

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[ s t a t u s ]

started : march 15th, 2020
end : only God knows.

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[ c h a r a c t e r ]

Nicole Valeryn
diperankan oleh
Minnie (G)-IDLE

Nicole Valeryndiperankan olehMinnie (G)-IDLE

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Sagaresa Angkasa
diperankan oleh

Hendery WayV

Hendery WayV

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BrandyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang