Chapter 26

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"You were planning on leaving Lydia after you got married?" Blaire shouted.

"I know you have a passion in helping your fellow werewolves, but isn't leaving your mate a bit excessive?" Abraham asked, half-joking, half-serious.

Even Ji-Sun joined in. "A true mate would not leave your side. How horrible."

I watched Mickey as he was berated by my members, and I saw him visibly get angrier and angrier. I could only imagine what choice words Zachariah would have. Or maybe he would have none at all, considering his unpredictable nature.

"Which begs the question," my father said. "Are you truly mates?"

Mickey snapped. "She's mine! And I will kill anyone who denies her to me!"

That answered their question. His vehement possessiveness made my heart tremble, but the main issue still remained.

"Were you going to leave after we married?" I asked.

He didn't meet my eyes. "I never once thought that I would stop my life's work."

Mickey purposely avoided the topic, but his response gave me more than enough of an answer. But to be honest, I never once thought of leaving my coven. And I told him just that.

"I can't see myself away from home. My people need me."

Mickey looked conflicted at my confession, but nodded in understanding. Part of me felt relieved he wouldn't argue at my choice. But another part was disappointed he didn't fight for me either.

"My work will never be done," Mickey explained. "Even if the title of omega disappears, there will still be those like the Virile pack that I must stop."

"And I am the head of the Vincente," I said. "Not only do I lead the coven, but it is my responsibility to represent vampires when a political meeting occurs."

"Then what?" my father said. "Will you live apart? Even when you know you are mates?"

I thought about it. "Will it really matter?" Mickey looked at me with furrowed brows. "I can see you at any time. All I have to do is teleport to you."

"That only applies to you," Mickey growled. "What will I do if I want to see you and I'm in the middle of work?"

I raised a brow. "You're the one choosing to live that life, Mickey."

He twitched. "So you're telling me to stay?"

Ohhh, no. He was not going to pull that card on me.

I crossed my arms and cocked one hip. "Your words, not mine."

Mickey growled. "Lydia."

The others in the room had gone silent, and I knew they were enjoying the show—well, my friends did at least. It wasn't often they saw me bickering like a child with someone. My parents, on the other hand, wore blank looks.

"Like my father said, we each have our own responsibilities that we cannot abandon," I continued. "If we want to be together, either you stay here with me, or I leave with you."

"You do not wish to leave with me?" Mickey asked.

My initial response was to say no, but I hesitated. The vision of being by Mickey's side as we traveled the world together, fighting enemies and saving innocents, was thrilling. Much more thrilling than being pampered by my coven and meeting with the Elders and other vampire covens to discuss the state of the worlds.

"No," I finally answered. "I cannot."

His eyes narrowed and his next words shocked me. "I do not wish to be away from you, Lydia. I want us to be together. Heavens forbid we end up like Giovanni and his mate."

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