An Army At the Door

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Octo Valley

Cap'n Cuttlefish spent his days right outside the entrance to Octo Valley, some called him paranoid, but others pointed out his many successes in the past. The old Cap'n now lived in a small shack near a Manhole that connected Inkopolis Plaza to Octo Valley, it was nice and quiet location which provided access to the Octarians' Kettles, meaning the Cap'n could work on his conspiracy theories in peace, with a good view of any Octarian movements.

Therefore Cuttlefish did not expect an army to rise out of the many Kettles, his first thought was "Enemy attack!", therefore he grabbed the giant Snow Globe containing DJ Octavio, who was waving his arms at the approaching army, and fled into Inkopolis.

The horde of Octarians tried to open the manhole but to no avail, Cuttlefish had sealed it from the other side.

Octotroopers shot, Octobombers bombed, and Octolings pulled, but still they could not open the manhole.

A few of them kicked and stomped the cover in vain.

"Ya aern't gettin' into Inkopolis ya Octarian harlots!" they heard the old Cap'n yell, enraging a few of the Octolings.

Sure enough they couldn't, Cuttlefish has had years to prepare for something like this, no way was any Octarian getting through his manhole (except when he was busy sleeping). Eventually the Octarian army swam back to their lairs, leaving only a few low ranking Octotroopers to wait and see if the Cap'n would try and come back.

"Any luck?" one Octotrooper asked another.

"Nope it's still sealed shut, I doubt anyone will be coming through here."

"Darn, Octavia isn't going to like that."

Ever since they had received that distress signal the Octarian army had been trying to breach the Manhole connecting to Inkopolis, however Cap'n Cuttlefish had noticed their movements and escaped back into Inkopolis, taking DJ Octavio's snow globe with him, and sealing the manhole shut from the other side, this made their rescue mission impossible.


An Octoling with black hair and seaweed on her head appeared, she was the one in charge, those who were familiar with her look knew that she was one of the Elite Octolings, she had arrived to check on their progress.

Both troopers shook their heads

"We don't have the necessary firepower to break through, I don't see any way of getting into Inkopolis from here.."

The elite kicked the Octotrooper of his hovercraft and grumbled.

She then spoke in a serious tone "Well think of something, im not letting you return till you find a way into Inkopolis."

The other Octotrooper rushed to help his friend back up, then he spoke to the elite.

"Maybe you can try and contact the Octoling stranded in Inkopolis? For all we know the manhole is sealed from the other side, maybe she could open it?"

"Don't be ridiculous, she is busy hiding from those horrible inklings as well as trying to steal the Great Zapfish, you think she could spare the time to open this manhole for us?!" the Elite said, she spoke without hesitation and with barely a moment to think, from the way she spoke one could deduce that she was a combat veteran with a lot of self confidence born from live battle experience.

"Sorry ma'am, I wasn't thinking."

"Damn right your sorry, look use any weapon we have, just be ready to storm Inkopolis as soon as Victoria contacts us again."

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