5. Karma Chameleon

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"Angel's been acting strange lately."

Husk said that out loud without even noticing while watching the remaining contents of his alcohol in his bottle. He had been thinking about that for a few a while.

And he was certainly right. Angel had been acting strangely for a few days now, but he couldn't exactly put his finger on how.

He talked to everyone, as usual, with an air of irreverence. He casually flirted with him as well but didn't try to do anything more than that.

It's not like Husk was expecting him to, but... he thought that after kissing a total of three times, they were already well past the phase of "only flirting".

Angel seemed to be going out more, especially at night and didn't come back until sunrise. Husk was the only one that saw him, walking by hastily, not sparing his bar or him a single glance.

But sometimes it felt like Husk was the only one to notice any difference.

"Oh, has he? You must excuse me, dear friend, but I had not noticed it! It must have to do with the fact that I couldn't care less!"

Husk rolled his eyes at that response, hearing Alastor's distorted laughter as he downed some more of his booze. It had been almost a month since he arrived at that hotel, and he was already worn out by it.

At least now they had another guest.

The new guy was rarely seen, however. The only time Husk talked to him was when he registered him and gave him the key.

After that, the new guest spent most of his time inside his room, doing who knows what. Strange fumes came through the door sometimes, but he never explained what they were about.

Still, Husk couldn't blame him for staying in his room all that much, especially when--

"Have any of you seen Baxter?!"

Niffty entered the room in a rush, holding a tray with cookies and milk, wearing a wide grin on her face. She had been acting like that ever since the fish boy had arrived.

"He's in his room doing science stuff and shit, as usual" Husk shrugged as he put his empty bottle away, watching Niffty look downcast all of a sudden. He sighed. "Want the key?"


Husk couldn't help but smile just a little bit, grabbing the copy of the key and tossing it her way. Niffty caught it in the air and immediately rushed away, without spilling a single drop of milk.

"That's gonna keep her busy."

"I do hope you realize you just aided her in invading one of our guests' privacy."

"Eh. I had done that before" Husk starting looking for another bottle to open, without paying Alastor much attention. "Plus, if she's busy with that, she's not writing erotic fan fiction about Angel and me... or Charlie and you, so yeah, you're welcome."

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