11. Escapism

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Five minutes past nine.

Angel was probably about to arrive, so he contained himself from ordering yet another bottle of wine.

Quarter past nine.

Maybe Angel was trying to be fashionably late? He thought that was pretty stupid and pointless, but it did seem like something that Angel would do.

Half-past nine.

His second bottle of wine was almost empty, it was useless to pour it in the glass, so he just finished it with a hearty gulp, not really caring if that earned him a few stares in his direction.

A quarter to ten, and it was pretty clear now that Angel was not going to show up. Husk would've felt angry or disappointed, and maybe he did feel like that, but for such a short time that it was completely irrelevant.

What he felt for a longer time, and therefore was vastly more important, was a sense that something wasn't quite right. Angel didn't seem like the kind of person that would pass on a chance to enjoy a lavish dinner that he didn't have to pay.

Husk left the restaurant at ten o'clock, having decided to wait at least fifteen more minutes as if he were holding tight to that slim chance that Angel would still appear through the door with a winning smile and some sort of crazy story to explain his tardiness.

On his way to the hotel, the feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach did nothing more than becoming stronger and more difficult to ignore.

Still, he hoped that Angel would be in his room. Maybe he'd be asleep. Maybe he'd be watching his favorite show with his pet pig. Maybe he just didn't want to go on a stupid date with him anymore.

It was foolish, he knew. But it was better than all the appalling scenarios going through his head at the moment.

"Oh? You're back, dear friend."

Husk couldn't contain a long, exasperated sigh from escaping his lips at the sound of that voice. Seeing Alastor was the last thing he needed at the moment, but he knew he had no other choice than putting up with it.

"Yeah. Unless I'm a doppelganger. Or a good twin. Whatever fancies you more."

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