I Hate the Dark....

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Jesse felt her legs burn, tired and out of adrenaline. She bent against a tree, resting a hand on her stomach. "R-REUBEN!!" She called out, panting as she began walking. "C'mon bud, it's getting really dark..." Jesse walked forward, braving through fields, caves, and bushes before finally finding her friend. "Oh, Reuben, I'm so glad to see you!" She gave Reuben a hug, instead of a carrot she had found, thinking it would come in handy later.

"OIIIIEEEE!" Reuben squealed, eyes going wide as a zombie came up behind them. "Run boy!" Jesse sprinted, and began dodging shots from skeletons, encountering creepers, and killed three zombies before a shoddy sword fell and broke out of her hand. "Shoot!" Jesse backed up, looking at the gathering hoard. "Run, Reuben. I'll distract them, run." Jesse flailed her arms, watching Reuben flee.

As she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself, she got tackled by a spider. As soon as she wrestled away from it, another pinned her down. She was just about to give up, Petra swooped it, using her pickaxe to flick the spider off of Jesse and stabbed it to death. "Come on!!" She called, running. Jesse followed, picking up some string the spider dropped.

As Jesse climbed down the ladder, she felt a wave of nausea sweep over her, which caused her to bolt up the ladder and release her prior snacks from the contest, out of her stomach and onto the ground. Petra heard her retching and slowly climbed the ladder. "Jesse...?" She raised a brow, pulling her self up. "Are....you okay?" Jesse seized up, nodding. She wiped her mouth, leaning against a tree. "I-i-i'm sorry....anxiety I guess..." Jesse clutched her stomach's sides with one hand, and gave Petra a thumbs up with the other.

Petra walkede over to Jesse, then aided her over to, down, and off the ladder. Jesse sighed shakily. "N-not that I don't totally dig this totally cool, d-dark c-creepy cave..." She tensed up, leaning a bit into Petra. "But how far  is this thing you wanted to show me?" Petra smiled, helping Jesse sit down, then pulled out "A wither skull..." Petra let Jesse trace the cheek, as she stared in awe. "Stunned silence? I'll take it." Jesse stood, leaning against the wall. "Wow..." She trudged along side Petra, deeper into the cave. Petra raised a brow, glancing at Jesse. "Wow, what?" Jesse stopped, leaning with her back to the wall, and smiled brightly. "In a single d-day, you went to the nether, k-killed a wither skeleton, and came back....must be pretty sweet being you, huh?" She looked up at Petra, then saw what looked like a pink tint laced on her cheeks. "You know....if you feel up to it....you could come with me to seal the deal..." Petra paused, rubbing her arms as she turned to Jesse, who looked ecstatic. "S-s-sure!!! I-I can t-t-totally b-b-b-back you up!!" Jesse straightened up, immediately slouching back down as she got a head rush.

Petra sighed, but she couldn't help but smile.


How was this page? A bit shorter then the last one, but you know, whatever.

MCSM Fanfic about a ship I think about a lot. (F!Jesse x Petra)Where stories live. Discover now