H-Hey T-there!!

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Okay so, I don't expect really anyone to read this but whatever. I really wanna write this!


Jesse is female.

Petra is still female.

I love these gay babehs and they need each other.

But I don't want it to be any regular ship with them.

No, there's gonna be quite the twist~

WARNING: I is skippin everything before they (Jesse, Axel, Olivia, and Reuben) sign up for the building competition. And everyone is about 20-25 years old. And not everything is going to be exact.


Jesse glanced at Axel toughing it through the small gate door before glaring at the Jerk-a-lots one more time. She followed them, chuckling under her breath. After sifting through a chest and snagging a few sticks, she followed after her friends. After walking over, Jesse noticed Olivia looking defeated as she gaped at the Ocelots. "Is that a beacon? They're building a beacon? A FREAKIN beacon?" Axel looked at the team, then frowned. Olivia spoke, still staring at the beacon, "We don't have a beacon..." Jesse smiled brightly, hitting Olivia on the shoulder. "But we have a mascot!" She gestured to Reuben. Olivia shook it off before hearing Aiden approach. "Oh look, it's the order of the losers...again." Jesse sighed, slowly turning to them. A sick giggle escaped from one of them. "Good one, Gill." Aiden got in front of Jesse, glaring. "You'll be able to look plenty at Endercon, but they don't allow outside food or drink.

Jesse turned red, wanting to scream and curse Aiden out. "I'm talking about your pig!" He crossed his arms. Jesse stepped closer, fist tightening. "Shut. Up." Aiden scoffed. "What?" Olivia stepped forward. "Jesse said, 'Shut up', do you need to hear it again?" Lukas walked over, defusing the situation. Jesse could only hear her heart beat for the first few words, but calmed after a few seconds, hearing the gist of Lukas' statement. "...make this about how cool our builds are." He had put his hand out to be shaken, but Jesse didn't take it. "May the best. team. win." She glared at the rest of the Ocelots, turning a bit red again. Lukas smiled nervously, standing. "Be careful what you wish for!"

Petra walked by, pickaxe on her shoulder. "Hey guys." Jesse smiled nervously, straightening up before waving. Lukas smiled too, walking over to her. "Hey Petra, thanks again for that nether star." Petra nodded slightly. "No problem." Axel looked taken aback. "Petra, you helped these tools?!" Petra shrugged, smiling slightly. "I'll help anyone....for the right price." Jesse awkwardly fidgeted with her hands. "Th-that definitely sounds like th-the right thing! Yep, th-that's Petra!"

Petra raised a brow before walking off. "If you need anything, you know where to find me!" Olivia called back, "But none of us know where to find you!" Petra turned her face to half face them. "Eeexactly." Jesse sighed dreamily and turning back to her team. Olivia and Axel turned to each other, raising a brow.

Soon after the announcer told them to build, Olivia took Jesse aside while they built with redstone. "So, when are you planning to admit?" Jesse looked as red as the redstone. "I have n-no idea what you mean!!" Olivia sighed. "So, never?" Jesse looked away, spilling some of the redstone as she shook. "W-w-w-what do you mean?! I-I don't know what you're talking about!!" Olivia sighed, pushing herself away from the dispenser. She stomped up to Jesse, grabbing more redstone. "Petra." Jesse choked on her spit, throwing all the redstone to Olivia. "SHUT UP!!" Jesse then ran off to help Axel with the enderman.

After they had finished, they stood proudly on their creation. "Ready guys..?" Olivia looked at Axel and Jesse, who had regained her composure. "Hit the lever, Olivia!" Olivia hit a lever, but it didn't work. "Sorry, wrong lever." She added a bit more redstone then hit it again. Fireworks shot into the air, sending a vast array of colors exploding into the sunsetting sky.

Jesse stood proudly, smirking.  "Guys, people are looooking at uuss..." Axel and Olivia snapped out of their trance, looking down at the gathering crowd. It was all smiling faces, for once.

"Good build, man!" A compliment!

But, of course, Aiden had something to say about this. "Noo.....It's just a bunch of dyed wool!!" He walked over to a build with lava, hitting the cobblestone and releasing it. Reuben's costume caught fire, sending him squealing and into the woods. "REUBEN NO!! COME BACK!!" Jesse nearly ran off the edge, Axel stopping her by grabbing her overalls. "B-but the build!" Jesse snapped and turned around. "Stay and save the damned thing! I'm goin after my pig!" She jumped off the statue, into a somersault, making sure to 'accidentally' bump into Aiden. "Oww!!" Jesse hopped off of Aiden, stepping on his hand as she bolted away.


So, do tell, how was my 819 word count story?

MCSM Fanfic about a ship I think about a lot. (F!Jesse x Petra)Where stories live. Discover now