Ludicium (After Judgement)

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After the court we were all feeling confused and relieved at the same time. Mom came up with a great Idea when she shouted.


While Jerry drove the car, we drove him mad singing 🎵 I Scream! You Scream! We All Scream For Ice Cream!🎵 I got chocolate, chocolate. That's what I called chocolate fudge. The rest got what they wanted I didn't pay attention to what they got except adults always got cups and spoons to avoid messes I wasn't having that, messy is the only way to eat Ice cream. immediately started digging in, just like most young birth to tweens, I considered eating ice cream a game as well as a snack. And I was always forced to eat it outside. To win the game you have to get just as much on your face and hands as you eat. Offering tastes to strangers walking by got extra points. If they accepted even if they pretended to taste was double points.

I tried always won even before Sissy quit playing with me when she started elementary school. The reward for winning was you got to lick the mess off. I never got the reward as I was immediately attacked by a napkin wielding adult. I did, however, get to sneak a few extra licks between fingers, and sucks off chocolate-soaked shirts. Or the dreaded weapon of cleanliness, Baby Wipes and clean t-shirt would spoil my victory leaving yechy taste of soap and detergent.

Following the extraordinary confectionary treat the predictable happened around our group. Stomachs gurgled as the cold wonder hit our eager warm stomach. This signaled the inevitable potty break.

There were only two pottys in the family toilet. With the door guarded by Mom and Jerry, I was escorted by a diaper bag carrying Sissy, I was stripped to the waist, then she followed suit. She then helped me up. We giggled and laughed while our tiny hineys sung a tune of ice cream squirts and spurts. That all done I wiped, but still wasn't finished. Before diapering me, Sissy inspected and finished the clean up with wipes and wiped herself. For some reason she always demonstrated the proper way, front to back so you don't get  poopies in your pee pee. I could see how she could get some in hers, but my hole was very small and far away from my poop hole. Finally inspected and re-diapered, Sissy slipped on a pull up under her dress. Outside we walked for final inspection by Mom The adults walked in only to make us giggle more their tunes were much louder than ours and the smell when they exited usually made nearby diners get up and move. All set we headed home in a much better mood.

A few days after we got home. Mom went in the hospital though I could see nothing wrong with her except she slept and drank a lot. We visited twice a week it was always fun to see her. When she came home she was much happier and rarely drank except wine with Jerry. He drank beer. "Wine is for snobs, girls, and fancy restaurants." He would say. The only bad thing that happened saw when I found out why me and Sissy didn't have the same last name.

It was a Saturday. We had just got cleaned up from playing outside. This was our normal quiet time. Sissy and I would play a game upstairs together, or watch cartoons on the couch. But this time was different.

We all had to sit in the living room on the fancy furniture. Us kids were not even allowed in there, so I knew it was serious.

Jerry Started:

"Well I'll just start with the obvious. By now you know that you two don't have the same last name." He paused for a while, but we just stared at him like he was silly. It didn't matter to us.

Sissy's real name is Cassandra O'Brien. She was named after her mother's mother that died before we even met."

He focused on Sissy. "Your mom got really sick and died right after you were born."

Tears started streaming down Sissy's face as Jerry kept on....

"You were just a baby and the doctor's bills for your mom wiped me out. I had to sell our house and my construction company so we could eat." "I was just about to give up when I answered an ad for a maintenance man." "It said room and board included, so I thought we were saved." "That was here and after some negotiations with Freddy's mom and dad, it was decided that Sissy, we called her Sandy then because of the color of her hair, could stay in the nursery. I would stay in the spare room above the workshop."

He stopped to hold a now sobbing Sissy.

Mom took over:

"At first things were great." Your Dad or the one you called dad, Jerry and I were a family." "Sissy had two dads and a mommy that loved her very much." "Fred Sr. Freddy's dad treated her like his own." "Jerry even moved into the guest room, so he could be near Sissy and help with the diaper changes and other stuff raising a baby."

Mom focused on me:

"Your dad became very jealous of Jerry's relationship with Sissy. He started staying away more "on business trips," (She did the finger quote.) and I thought If we had a baby of our own, he would feel better. I took special medicine to help get pregnant and Freddy was born"

"Your Dad didn't get better, he got worse staying away for weeks. The last trip to the lake was to fix our marriage, but it ended in a fight." Before I could file for divorce that next week your dad was dead."

"I had an idea I was falling in love with Jerry before, but when your dad died I knew for sure. If it's OK with you two he will be staying with us in my room."

The others were in different states of tears from Jerry with a few drops running down his cheeks, to Mom blubbering and saying "I'm so sorry. Sorry I love you all."

I already knew how my dad died, and I had some Idea where babies came from though not quite the idea of how. The major misconception I had was, I thought babies were born extremely small only about an inch or two big considering how small the lady's holes that I had seen. Around ten when I finally found out the truth, I grabbed my crotch, cringed, and vowed to do that to another lady. The getting pregnant part not the sex part. I heard sex was fun, though it would be almost a decade before I found out just how much fun.

I started and finished kindergarten. Sissy, Mom, Jerry, and Benny encouraged me to transition from diapers to pull-ups to trainers. After many wet beds, some but few on purpose, and no daytime accidents it was compromised that I could wear diapers at night. But I had to wear "big boy" undies all the time by the end of elementary school. Being used to my comfy diapers, Reluctantly I complied.

Beverly came to visit during those months and congratulated me on my progress out of diapers. I still felt like I should be able to wear them whenever I felt. Beverly explained I how much her boy got teased and in fights. (See Mary Peanut Butter series)

I felt better about growing up.

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