3 - Roses on my doorstep

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(Kim Hyun-Ae's pov)

The fluorescent lights in the mini-market made it seem almost dream like to walk up and down the isles, as I gathered the things I needed. Water bottles, small on the go snacks, personal care items an so on.

Jaehyun had given me some space to shop by myself, which felt like such a small genuine act. We obviously crossed paths every now and then or caught eye contact for short moments, but he never approached me but kept shopping.

I needed things that could be quickly stuffed down a bag, or thrown out if necessary. If they found me... Again...

As I got to the register, I asked for a reusable fabric bag for my groceries and the clerk ringed my total up. I payed him in cash, since I didn't use a credit card - like ever. It could be traced, and I couldn't take that risk.

Jaehyun only got a few items, that he payed for right after me, and we left to go find a café, since he insisted that we got some breakfast together.

As we entered a café with industrial interior like exposed brick walls, concrete flooring, blackboard menus, metal lamps, wooden tables and black iron chairs, the smell of coffee and baked goods embraced me like a warm hug.

It's been a while since I've experienced a sense of comfort and warmth like this.

"What would you like to order?" Jaehyun asked me, as we placed our bags and coats on some chairs by a table.

I looked up at him, blinking my eyes in confusion, and then looking towards the chalkboard menus. "Ehm... A black coffee and a blueberry scone?" He nodded at my request, and walked to the counter.

Sitting down, I scanned the room and my gaze ended at Jaehyun's figure. Now that I looked at him, he seemed pretty... Normal? Ordinary? Maybe someone who would fade in with a crowd.

A great skill and a great power to have.

A minute later, Jaehyun put down a small plate and a cup in front of me, before going back to get his cup of latte and a butter croissant.

"So? What's your story? Why did you need me to portray your boyfriend?" He asked after a few moments in silence. I froze instantly with the cup right in front of my face. "Ehm... I... Told you? My ex works at the hotel?"

"Then why would you stay there? I mean if you knew you there was going to be a chance of  running into to him?"

What was that? Why is he asking so many questions? The alarms were starting to sound in my head.

"I didn't know that he worked there... But I saw him with their uniform on, when I came out of the elevator, so I just bolted for the first kind-looking stranger..." I saw him taking in my answer, but that didn't mean that he trusted me.

(No one's pov)

While Hyun-Ae pretended to be someone else while chatting to a stranger on a café, something else was going on close by the hotel she was staying in.

Someone, whom she knew very well, was walking by a small flower shop, when the sweet smell lured them inside.

The shop was bright and beautifully decorated without taking focus away for all the flowers that was cascading in various colours everywhere you looked.

Suddenly their sight focused in on a flower that was both romantic and seducing, but also...

Very capable of sending a message.

"I would like to purchase a dozen of those, please," the voice was calm, almost a hint of seduction hidden in its tone. "Of course. Let me wrap them in a bouquet for you," the shop owner said as she picked up the red flowers, careful not to get prickled by the thorns.

"Roses are such a bittersweet flower, don't you think? They're so beautiful and romantic... But just like love you can get hurt if you're not careful enough..." The shop owner sighed thoughtfully as she wrapped the flowers in paper.


(Kim Hyun-Ae's POV)

"Thank you for the coffee..." I said as we walked inside the lobby of the hotel. "No worries. You are my girlfriend after all," Jaehyun said, laughing slightly at the end, which made me laugh to.

He looked around the lobby, and suddenly I felt an arm around my shoulders. "Let's go to our room to relax, my sweet angel," He said a little louder, which made the receptionist look up at us. I quickly smiled, and started walking towards the elevators.

As we got inside, I pressed the button of my floor, and felt how the machinery started to move. "You don't have to follow me to my door. I don't think anyone is checking if we walk to the same room..." I said quietly, hoping he wouldn't get offended.

"Oh... Of course not... Ehm... My room is actually on the same floor so..." He rubbed his neck and smiled. I nodded and turned back towards the doors, that opened a few seconds later.

As we started walking the same way, we both pulled up our keys. He was in room 404 and I was in room 405... Right across from one another. "What a coincidence huh?" He laughed as we turned down the hallway.

I was about to reply, when I suddenly noticed something in front of my door.

I froze.

"What?" Jaehyun asked confused, as he stopped as well, looking at me before looking towards my door a little further down the hallway.

"Flowers? Who send you those? Your ex?" He sounded worried and might even with a slight hint of jealousy. "I..." was all I could get over my lips.

He walked closer and picked them up. "There's a card." He said as he took off the card from the red roses, and passed it to me.

I opened it with shaking hands.

My dearest little thief...
As I've said before...
You can run...
But you can't hide...
Please give back what you stole...
If so, you'll be given a new chance...
With all my love...
- Y.
Ps. The pirate king sends his love

Not again... Not already...

———— (To be continued) ————

Hello! I hope you enjoyed the second chapter of this book! Please feel free to comment and come with ideas etc. I will try my best to write this story when I have time, but please be patient!
Much love, Miss Idol 22

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