13 - July (1)

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Vacation to crime central: Gotham

So, Tony dragged us to Central City for some business, and he planned for it to be a team/family bonding activity. The OG Avengers, Ned, Peter, Anna, Wanda, Pietro, and myself were, obviously, also in attendance. Everyone else stayed behind to watch the kids. During the flight Ned nodded off, multiple times. He ended up falling over onto Anna near the end of the flight on the private jet.

"Not again." She muttered, moving her arm onto the window ledge. I snickered, leaning into Peter.

We arrived at our destination and the plane landed causing Ned to shoot up. It came to a stop and we all got out and hopped into a limousine as we made our way to Central City for us to check into our rooms. A bit more travel time and Peter, Anna, Ned, and I all looked out the window and at brochures to see what this place had to offer. Let's just say it was very science oriented. Peter and Ned were ecstatic, I on the other hand, wasn't. I love science, but everything in Central City seemed so overwhelming to someone who just likes science, not someone who wants to make it their job.

"We have to see the particle accelerator built by Doctor Harrison Wells. I know I'm not into science stuff like you guys but that thing could power a whole city for like ten years!" Anna said, getting excited about science for once.

"Dr. Wells is an old friend of mine," Tony said. "I could get us in for a free tour."

We made it to the hotel and loaded up our bags. A bell boy took them up for us as we decided what to do.

"Here's my card, and go buy yourselves something nice to wear." Tony said to Anna and Peter who were next to me. "Some dresses, some suits."

"Tony why?" Anna asked, glaring slightly at Tony. He looked hurt, but his face quickly returned to its normal aloof look.

"I've been invited to a party by Bruce Wayne and I have to attend, and all of you are my plus ones." I paused, looking at Tony.

"Wait, you're serious? The Bruce Wayne? Holy crap." I'd only ever seen his picture in the paper my father would read for business. He was some charity guy who had some adopted kids. The last time I saw the paper with his picture he had just adopted another Gothem influencer's kid, who was around my age.

"Can we wear the stuff from the Christmas party?" Anna asked, looking at Tony.

"No." He motioned for us to leave to the store nearby and find the pre-mentioned clothes for us. We all walked to said store, the boys splitting off to find suits and the girls to find dresses. Natasha and Wanda found an area they liked, while Anna and I kept looking around. I eventually split off from Anna, wandering in the discount Prom area. Might as well look awesome if we are required to buy something new. I flitted through the area, nothing really striking me until I caught a bit of ruffled white fabric on my jacket.

"Wonder what this dress looks like. Probably like a wedding dre-" I stopped, looking at the dress.

 (Dress at the top of the chapter, all credit goes to the lovely person wearing it, as the dress is not mine ☺)

I squealed, rushing to try it on. It fit wonderful, and I knew I had some shoes to go with it, so I undressed, putting the dress back on the hanger, and went to see how Anna, Natasha, and Wanda were doing.

"Have y'all found anything yet?" I asked, walking over to Natasha, who shook her head. While Wanda said no. Anna took her dress out, which was gold. I couldn't wait to see it on her. Anna and I then helped the other ladies find dresses. After a couple of hours we found a simple but hot black dress for Natasha and a maroon red one for Wanda.

After we all had our dresses we went back to the hotel where we were staying.

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