18 - October (Epilogue)

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It was a pleasant fall day. It was warm, the leaves were just beginning to change, and Clint was already convinced that it was time for spooky season. I fiddled with my dress, waiting along with everyone for Anna to walk down the aisle. The music started, crescendoing as the doors opened to reveal Anna. Jackson looked as if he was about to fall over. Anna's daughters preceded her and Tony, sprinkling petals all along the floor. Annemarie, Anna's twin (that I somehow never found out about), was sitting next to Pepper who was next to me. There was a space for Tony at the end of the pew.

"Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder today. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam...And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva... So tweasure your wuv. Mawwige is whut bwings us togevveh today. Wike a dweam wifin a dweam. Wuv too wuv will fowwow you forwever so tweasure your wuv." (Princess Bride - 1987)

After that long speech, it was finally time for the couple to exchange their vows.

"Do you Annabella Rose Doyle take Jackson Jimmy Jackal to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Anna said.

"And do you Jackson Jimmy Jackal take Annabella Rose Doyle to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He said, smirking slightly. I snuck out my phone and pressed record as Jackson swiftly picked Anna up bridal style, kissing her in the process. A cheer echoed through the church as Anna and Jackson "fled" to the reception.

~Timeskip to Reception~

"And will all the single ladies please gather behind our new Mrs. Jackal for the bouquet toss?" All the ladies from Central City and the Avengers, along with Annmarie and myself, huddled behind Anna. I placed myself in the back so there was no way I could catch the bouquet.

"Three! Two! One!" Anna threw her bouquet into the air, it sailed toward Nat & Wanda who were in front of me. Just before one of them caught it, they stepped aside, letting me catch the bundle of flowers.

Silence. Anna started laughing, along with mostly everyone else. I glanced from the flowers to Tony, who wasn't even looking at me. He was glaring at Peter, who was bright red while Pepper chuckled, patting Tony's arm. I slowly made my way to the table, setting the flowers down at an empty place.

"No. Absolutely not. Nu-uh, no. I just gave Anna away, you're not leaving too." Tony said, still glaring at Peter.

"Don't worry, dad. You've got a few more years before you'll have to do that." I giggled, finally at home.

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