Rising Heat

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Authors note: So sorry it took me awhile to get this published I just got time to myself and I was in the mood to write something good for you all in thanks for all the support lately. I appreciate every read view and vote with all my heart. It makes me extremely happy. I just wrote this tonight. Please enjoy this chapter. ❤

Cartman begins to get lost in the heat and starts moving his hands over the other teens body. Moving down from his hands and face to his chest where he then begins fondling the slender teens nipples.

He felt the other teen trembling and twitching beneath him. Which just encouraged him to keep going. He proceeded to stroke and pinch the teens smooth soft pink skin between his fingers. Feeling the teens nipples begin to grow firm.

He then separated the two teens mouths ending their passionate dance to lick and su k on the slender teens nipple. Excited to know what it felt like once in his mouth.

Kyle then began to scream with pleasure. Managing to push out some words in between.

K: Aaah...no..pleas...aaahnnn. Sto..sto..op.

C: Why on earth would I?

K: It feels weird. *Pant* My body it feels weird. *Pant*

C: Isn't it obvious yet idiot. You like this.

K: No. No I don't.

He said desperately.

C: Really Kahl your body is much more honest than you are. Look his hard you have become.

K: That..that's just a reaction from you touching me so weirdly!

He said frantically.

C: So would you get like this with just anybody?

He said in a doubtful and dissatisfied tone.

K: No of course not! Wai... wait I mean

C: Heh so what then Kyle? He smirks.

Surprised by the sudden change in how the teen addressed him mixed with confusion by the progression of the situation and his body's reaction to the teen in front of him. Kyle couldn't come up with anything rational. So what escaped his lips was.

K: I...I don't know.

C: The let's make each other feel good. Let your body speak for you.

K: *Each other?! Wai..wait what's he thinking?! What's about to happen to me??*

Cartman takes this chance to penetrate Kyle's mouth with his tongue. Once again starting another passionate dance of swirling and twisting of tongues.

He then takes one hand pinning the teens already tied hands down to hold him in place as he takes his free hand to start undoing the teens pants.

Kyle's eyes widen at the sudden sensation below. Realizing what the other teen is doing he begins to struggle nervous and afraid at what's to come.

Authors note: Please look forward to the rest that's to come for poor kyle and cartman 😉❤. I'll have it posted for you tomorrow night.

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