Chapter 1- Why Me

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*briefly edited. Please feel free to point out mistakes. I am human after all*

         "Wyatt! Hurry up, you're making me late." I yell at my 10-year-old brother, as he does God knows what in the bathroom.

    "Don't let your panties twist, dear sister I will be out when I'm out," Wyatt says calmly.

My thighs are hurting from how hard my legs are pressed together. Considering that we have a family of 6 and one bathroom, it isn't the best set up. Thankfully my oldest sister Aspen is out of the house and married. I just have to put up with Wyatt and my twin sister, Brooklynn.

"Wyatt, please. I have to go to the bathroom. I'll do your chores for the rest of the week." I whine.

    "Ha, no It's Sunday and I have already done my chores for the day. Come up with something better, or go pop a squat outside. Honestly Kinz, you should be smarter than this, you are related to me".

    "Fine, I give up, I'll drive you to Haddie's today like you asked." As soon as the name Haddie leaves my mouth, the bathroom door opens revealing my brown-haired blue-eyed brother, who holds a very smug look right now.

I rush into the bathroom, finally. After exiting the bathroom, I find my little brother in a nice long sleeve undershirt and a black vest. For pants, he has chosen khakis. Haddie is Wyatt's "friend". I don't think they are just friends though, if my mom were to ask him to do his hair he'd stick out his tongue and argue that he's a young boy and won't be one forever, then he sheds a few tears. Looking at his hair now, slick to the side with no hair out of place, you'd never guess that just yesterday, he and my mom had the same old fight.

I grab my keys and we head to my white jeep wrangler. He hops in the front, and I give him a look.

  "Kinsley". He starts.

    "No I am not going to listen, do you want to go see Haddie or not?" I ask.

   "Yes." He mumbles his head hanging as he opens the door and gets in the back. I plug in my phone and put on some music. Haddie lives right down the road, but if I'm heading out already I might as well go into town and pick up some necessities I have been missing.

Wyatt slams my back door. I am ready to yell at him for it, but he has already rung Haddie's doorbell and it's no use. I head to town in need of some sweet tea, it is my much-needed fix before my birthday tomorrow. Tomorrow the day where the rest of my life could be decided for me. Tomorrow where I could lose everything I have and be forced to move to a new state with random guys and people who I have never met. I exhale and inhale, at least I try, I am ready for whatever happens, but I am mainly partial to not getting my period.

Back in 2020 when the Caronavirus broke out, many people got it, people did not fully understand the true effects of it until years later when fertility rates went way down in the United States. Every other country had a specific gene that protected against the infertility part of the virus except for the United States. Years after the virus took many lives, the U.S needed to build its population backup, but women were no longer getting periods, and no longer getting pregnant. There were no kids for years until one scientist, Nicole James, came up with a hormone supplement that women could take starting at the age of 12. The supplement would build up the proper amount of hormones so that when the girl turned 17 she may get her period. A process we have grown to call the Insertion because if you do happen to get your period you are "inserted" with healthy sperm and are to get pregnant and raise this baby. My grandma was her first patient, seeing that Nicole was her mom. Yes, my great-grandma came up with this, and it worked. Well, it worked on most everyone.

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