Chapter 3- Introductions

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*Briefly Edited*

Mandy is actually pretty cool, she gave me an exam super quick, then gave me the next step, sperm. It's actually kinda gross to think about. So anyway moving on it's now time to meet the boys. I'm kinda nervous. I also look terrible, I'm currently rocking a pair of under armor shorts and a random sweatshirt. Which reminds me I have to give Eli his letter.

I try and run my fingers through my wavy brown hair but it's really no use. My hair is super frizzy from the mid-summer air. I really just want to hop in a nice warm shower and then go to bed. I do not think that that is going to happen, at least not tonight. I hear loud whispers coming from the kitchen.

"I wonder what she looks like." I hear someone ask aloud.

"I bet she has blonde hair and is kinda short. I bet she has blue eyes and long legs." that one causes me a slight chuckle.

That's actually kinda opposite. I have brown hair, blue eyes and I am actually pretty tall, but my height comes from my upper body. I have always had short legs.

"It's now or never" I whisper to myself. I slowly step through the doorway and go unnoticed a first, until I hear a chorus of shh's and 5 pairs of eyes look my way. I feel like shrinking in on myself. I clear my throat.

"Hi, umm I'm Kinsley, you can just call me Kinz though, if you'd like. I am uh, from Texas, err I have a twin sister named Brooklyn. Uhh, I have a younger brother named Wyatt. I also hate introductions, if you can't tell." I manage to get out.

My face burns from embarrassment .
The room grows quiet and everyone is just looking at me. One kind soul steps up, he holds a small folder. He is handsome. He is wearing sweatpants and a crew neck.

"Hey, Kinsley, I'm Oliver. I am from Florida, I have an younger sister, Nicole. I also have an older Brother, Corry. I don't mind introductions and I have a dog named Bella. I am here for Intelligence." Oliver says. He then hands me a folder with his name on it. I guess this is his file.

"Nice to meet you, Oliver," I say.

"Likewise," he says then goes back to where he was sitting.

"Hi, Kinz, I am Liam. I am here for being protective. I have 2 younger sisters, and I also do not like introductions." The very cute looking guy that just came up to me says.

"It's nice to meet you, Liam."
He hands me his folder and then goes back to his place at the table. The next guy who comes up has the sharpest jawline I have ever seen.

"Hello, Kinsley, I'm Noah, I am here because I can cook, and cause I am compassionate. I love introductions. Also, you are cute when you blush." Wow, okay he's blunt.

"Uhh, thanks?" I mumble feeling my cheeks heat up again. Noah grins looking down at me. He's super tall.


"Okay Romeo my turn," says a voice from behind him.

"Yeah yeah," Noah says, not breaking eye contact. He hands me his folder and our hands brush. Okay, that was cliche as hell. He is gently pushed out of the way by another rather tall specimen of a man. This one though is one that makes my heart skip a beat. Eli.

"Hey Kinz, I am here for being strong. My name is Eli. I have an older brother and a cat. I don't mind introductions. However, I like long walks on the beach more." he says with a wink. He hands me his folder, I reach into my pocket and hand him his letter. He quickly puts it in his own pocket. It's a good thing he's facing away from the other guys.

"It's nice to meet you, Eli, I also like walks on the beach."

"Alright, my turn." A deep voice says from behind me.

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