Chapter 2- Goodbyes

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Alright well here is chapter 2. Hope you enjoy!

          "Yes, mom we are sure that neither of us got our period last night, or this morning".

  "But girls, it's almost 5 p.m. when we are supposed to call Aspen. She needs to know and have you pick out your house and have the boys sent over," she complains.

Brooklyn and I share a look. I already texted Aspen an hour ago. After I ran off to the bathroom and asked Brooklyn about her guy. She explains that I'll meet him tomorrow and not send him home right away, but also pleads with me to not fall in love with him. I ask her why I can't send him home right away. She explains that his family needs the pension that the guys get from being in The Insertion.

    "Mom, slow down, take a breath, we have got this under control," Brooklyn mumbles looking at her nails.
    "Just tell me, you can't prepare by yourselves."
            "Yes we can, besides neither of us got it, so you tell me, what are we preparing for," I say.

Mom slaps me across the face and I fall back into my bed. My hand instantly goes to my burning cheek. I look up at her, furious.

    "Mom!" Brooklyn yells at her.

It's not the first time she has gotten physical with me. Usually, she'll just lock me in the closet. I guess today she's just super pissed.

   "What, she deserved it. She can't talk to me that way." My mom says rolling her eyes.

  "Ok, fine, mom I got my period last night. I can't tell you how much I can't wait to leave this place. To get away from you and dad. Aspen will be here tomorrow promptly at 7:00 a.m. I wish it'd come faster." I say and open the door of our room for mom to leave. She scoffs, leaving.

As soon as the door is closed, B comes over to look at my face, apparently, it's nothing too bad just nail prints from her acrylics. I sigh and get out of my suitcase. Brooklyn gives me her duffel as well, mom will just buy her another. I pull open my dresser and begin to pack, whatever I don't take will be given to goodwill as soon as I'm out of the house.

    "Pack what you can and I'll try and put the rest in a box and ship it to you within the week," B says.

I simply nod and place another pile of shirts in my suitcase. I grab a few books from my bookcase and put them in the duffel. After my clothes and personals are packed I grab a sling bag and fill it with my bathroom necessities. Before I know it, half of the room is blank. My posters and pictures fit in my duffel. My half of the room is now blank. It's sad really, there is no single picture frame or poster, nothing.

I feel a tear slip down my face looking at what used to be my safe place. Brooklyn comes to stand by me. She has always been able to since my moods, call it a twin sense if you must. She slings her arm around my shoulder and pulls me in for a hug.

  "You'll be fine, K. I'll be a phone call away. You'll have 5 guys to keep you company. Well, hopefully only 4. Eli is mine, sorry. Either way, Kinz, even though we won't be seeing each other every day, I'm not going anywhere. I love you and I'll be here waiting for you to get back so we can all go be a happy family. Me, you, Eli, the baby, and mystery guy. Don't shut down when you get there. You'll want to, I know you. You have to let them in. They are there for you. You'll have to at least be friends with them, or you'll never get through this next year. One of them will be spending The rest of your life with." She says.

"When did you get so insightful?" I ask.

  "Don't know," she shrugs with a small smile pulling back.

"Okay well it's lunchtime, it's your turn to pick the birthday lunch," B says.

"Let's stay in for the rest of the night, I promised Wyatt to spend time with him today. Can you make Mac and cheese and grilled chicken?"

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