Chapter 7

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Emma's POV

It's the weekend and Deana came over.

"You ready to PARTY!" She yelled with so much excitement.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The Daniels are having a party!" She still sounded really excited. She sounded so happy because she likes this guy, Jason Daniels. Even though he is dating a girl named Taylor Robertson. But if you knew Deana like I do, you'll know she won't give up on anything she wants, till she gets it.

"Oh, wow! I can't wait!" I said sarcastically.

"Oh please, you know he likes me" I told you she will never give up. She just tries and tries and tries.

"Ok, if you say so." I tried to be supportive for her about him, but lying won't help so I did both, I said something supportive and said it sarcastically. It really helps.

She rolled her eyes.

"Well are you coming?" She asked. I didn't really know if I wanted to go because Jason's twin (they look NOTHING alike) supposably likes me but he's just not my type.

"I don't know, I might go." I honestly don't want to be at the party because I might do something stupid. Like get drunk, sleep with someone, or just get embarrassed doing something.No one knows what will happen.

Deana is begging me to go so I decided I would. I told her that I will not drink and that she can't introduce me to any guys or I might wake up in the morning next to a stranger. I asked my "Mom" if I could go and she is fine with it, just my curfew is 12:00.

I arrive at the party with Deana and she instantly leaves me to go with Jason, what a friend! I go over to a couch and just sit there watching people get drunk. The place was so nasty! There was red cups and beer all over the floor and more then half of the girls there where either completely naked or just wearing a bra and panties. A couple of girls came up to me and tried to grab my hand to bring me somewhere, even though I don't know them but I didn't go. None of the guys came to me, they where all with the other girls half naked or just bare naked, but since I wasn't either of those no guys wanted me, which is a good thing. I was trying to find Deana but see her getting undressed so she is in her bra and panties! I stood there in shock. Who would expect to see Deana do that. I look around her and of course I see Jason. That's probably why she didn't want to be fully dressed. I go to look around a bit more and see Dylan (Jason's twin) and I try to run away but he catches me.

"Why are you running?" He said while trying to turn me on.

"Because I don't like you know please let me go." I sounded rude but didn't mean to. I just wanted him to let go of my arm.

"Come on babe. It's a party just let loose and have fun." he said till trying to turn me on.

"NO!" I screamed but since it's a loud party no one but him could hear me scream. He went in to kiss me and I pushed his face away from mine.

"GET AWAY! AFTER I TELL YOU I DONT LIKE YOU DOESNT MEAN YOU CAN KISS ME!" I screamed a bit louder so now a few people heard me.

A hour gone by and it's only 9:00! I was about to leave because the party was boring me but then Deana came and started begging me to stay so I did. She brought me over to a table where people do a beer drinking contest. They have a giant bucket thing with a hole in it and in the hole is a long straw which leads to a persons mouth and then there is another one for the other person and whoever drinks the whole thing first wins. After watching a few rounds, then people start nagging me to do it. I say no but these people won't stop till they get what they want, just like Deana. I said yes but only one round.

"First just let me have a few shots to get used to the taste, I don't want to spit it everywhere during the contest." I suggested. Everyone agreed. I took a few shots and thought "what am I doing!?!? I promised to myself not to do this! Well I can't back down now."
I drank every shot and was used to the taste. They got the person against me and I all ready and we started.

"CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!!" Everyone was chanting.

I actually won the contest. I was not proud of my self, but you know, can't change the past. I was as drunk as could be and it was 10:00. It felt like 2 seconds past by and I was already in a bed with Dylan, naked. "What did I do?!?" I thought to myself. I checked the clock and it was 4:00 in the morning, way past my curfew. I quietly but quickly get out of bed and get dressed. I run out of the place and on my way out I bump in to people who are still partying! I look for Deana and find her.

"We have to go." I said

"What are you talking about?" Deana was as drunk as she could be.

"Come on we are leaving!" I demanded

"But what about the puppy?!?" As I said before Deana is as drunk as she could be. I grab her hand and we leave. But she is to drunk to drive and I don't have a license, I also don't have a phone and Deana's is at the house so we had to walk while leaving her car at the party. Deana goes home and I could hear her parents screaming at her all the way outside. I tiptoed into my house and found "Mom" sitting on a chair angrily staring directly at me.

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